Take the summit trail (616) left less than 2 mi Inglewood steeply to the top (9 switchbacks after an upcoming turn) with little fanfare. There aren’t many outward views until the summit meadow where you suddenly Inglewood break out into the open with wildflowers (along with flying bugs late June into August) and great shots of Mount Adams and Mount Hood. Return to Lost Lake or the Inglewood TH by the same route.
Where is Inglewood? | Inglewood Map | Map of Inglewood Photo Gallery
For the clockwise loop around the lake once you are down from Lost Lake Your travel destination iste past the Skyline Trail juncture, take Old Growth Trail 657 left (S) a few feet to Inglewood Express Trail where you can walk to the right briefly down to the lake. Take the Lakeshore Trail 656 left (S) and walk less than a mile along the lake, through the big trees, over several picturesque boardwalks, and past fishing piers to the junction with Huckleberry Mountain Trail 617 on the left (to the PCT and Buck Peak). Continue right on the charming Lakeshore Trail W of the lake 2 mi to Lakeshore TH crossing multiple boardwalks, Inlet Creek, and cedar bogs en route. The view of Mount Hood across the lake is partly obscured at times but remains stupendous. Enjoy one of several swimming spots to put a cap on your day before a barbeque or your happy hour plans!.
ELEVATION: 4751 ft, with 1600 ft vertical gain.
DISTANCE: 1/2 mi up, 11 mi round-trip.
DURATION: 2 hours up, 4-5 hours round-trip.
DIFFICULTY: Strenuous. Longer, steady easy grade, narrow, overgrown, signed, snow lingers into July.
TRIP REPORT: A favorite route of the few possible to the highest point in Multnomah County, which is funny because very few of the county’s 800,000 residents would know this fact or its location just NW of Mount Hood! Lost Lake Resort and Campground is privately owned and an $8 day use fee can be paid at the entrance station on the way in (if open) or at the Lost Lake General Store. There is no fee at Huckleberry Mountain Trail TH closest to Buck Peak. Restrooms are located throughout the resort and nearby campgrounds, but not the Skyline TH, S day use TH, or Huckleberry Mountain Trail TH. And FYI: This Huckleberry Mountain Trail does not go to Huckleberry Mountain.
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