“Among U.S. adults, 25.7% plan to take an ocean cruise in the next 12 months. Among consumer segments most likely to be planning an ocean cruise are African-Americans. Among this group, 39.8% plan to take an ocean cruise; a figure that is 55% higher when compared to the general population.”
International Demographics
According to the National Coalition of Black Meeting Planners (www.ncbmp.com) and MeetingNews, African-American groups spend $30 billion annually on meetings. Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, an upscale fraternal service organization, spends $7 million at its biennial gathering.
The following are the most popular festivals among African-Americans (various local media sources):
• Africa in April (Memphis, TN; www.africainapril.org)
• African American Festival (Baltimore, MD; www.africanamericanfestival.net)
• African American Festival (Toledo, OH; http://toledourban.com/tufcu/aaf.aspx)
• African World Festival (Detroit, MI; http://thewright.org/african-world-festival)
• AfroSolo Arts Festival (San Francisco, CA; www.afrosolo.org)
• Eastern Shore AFRAM Festival (Seaford, DE; www.easternshoreafram.org)
• Festival Sundiata – Black Arts Fest (Seattle, WA; www.festivalsundiata.org)
• Harlem Week (New York, NY; http://harlemweek.com)
• IFE-ILE’s Afro-Cuban Dance Festival (Miami, FL; www.ife-ile.org)
• Indiana Black Expo Summer Celebration (Indianapolis, IN; www.indianablackexpo.com)
• National Black Theatre Festival (Winston-Salem, NC; www.nbtf.org)
• Odunde Festival (Philadelphia, PA; www.odundefestival.org)
• Sistrunk Parade and Festival (Fort Lauderdale, FL; www.sistrunkfestival.org)
• Sweet Auburn Springfest (Atlanta, GA; www.sweetauburn.com)
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