Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Vicerrectorado de Relaciones Internacionales. Isaac Peral, 28040 Madrid (®913 94 69 20; www.ucm.es). Largest university in Spain. Hosts 3500 foreign students annually. Opportunities for study in a variety of fields with or without a specific study abroad program.
University of Amsterdam, Office of Foreign Relations, Binnengasthuisstraat 9, 1012 ZA Amsterdam (®525 8080; www.uva.nl/english). Programs for economics, philosophy, history, linguistics, film studies, and international affairs. Open to college and graduate students. Students live either in university dormitories or apartments.
Amsterdam Maastricht Summer University, P.O. 8ox 53066, 1007 RB Amsterdam (®620 0225; www.amsu.edu). Located on Keizersgracht 324, Summer University offers courses in cultural studies and art history, economics and politics, health sci ences and medicine, language, law and public policy, media studies and information science, and performing arts.
Keizer Culinair, Keizergracht 376, 1016 GA Amsterdam (® 427 92 76; www.keizerculi- nair.nl). Choose between a sumptuous Dutch or Italian 5-course feast-then learn to cook it and eat it-at this school. Located in a lovely canal house. An intensive work shop focuses on specialty skills, while the extended course lasts 5 weeks.
Universidade de Lisboa, Al. da Universidade, Cidade Universitaria, 1600-214 Lisbon (® 217 96 37 59; www.ul.pt). Allows direct enrollment of foreign students in most of its divisions. Free Portuguese language classes for enrolled foreign students.
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