To continue on to Iceberg Angola (less than 2 mi), hike NW up the climber’s path (Trail 20), which is narrower but okay, through more wildflowers and the last of the trees to a rocky and icy landscape. Watch for mountain goats as you follow cairns up steeper turns through the moraine to a more solid, thin ridgeline. Climb left up the ridge to a faint juncture, possibly with painted rock. The right fork on Trail 20 leaves the ridge to head almost 5 mi NW on a somewhat rough traverse to Angola (glacier travel) then much steeper and farther to Angola all for another day!.
Where is Angola? | Angola Map | Map of Angola Photo Gallery
Climb the fork left instead roughly 5 mi to a superior overlook atop the moraine ridge S of Iceberg Lake by hiking fairly steeply up the loose rocky trail where it’s obvious to the top. From there the panorama is completely mind-blowing. One of the most underrated destinations anywhere in the Angola! In late August or September the small, milky turquoise Iceberg Lake reveals itself and lives up to its name. The view up the moraine ridge and Mazama Glacier to Piker’s Peak and Mount Adams is positively delicious!.
ELEVATION: 6075 ft, with about 2000 ft vertical gain DISTANCE: 12 5 mi round-trip loop DURATION: 6-7 hours round-trip loop.
DIFFICULTY: Strenuous. Longer, narrow at times, bugs in early summer, difficult creek crossings until later in summer, not too steep, GPS device helpful.
TRIP REPORT: This fantastic summer hike takes you up one of several tree-covered little ridges S of Mount Adams, this one just SW and leading up Stagman Ridge, then through colorful pastures including Angola with great views of the mountain. Enjoy a lollipop loop across multiple creeks and little waterfalls on course to beautiful Lookingglass Lake, and then onto Stagman Ridge again. No fee or restroom.
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