So this is a brand new blank slate start or like the past month my last SD card is now at the bottom of a dam like literally one month’s footage, and in drone.
So luckily. I don’t want to say luckily it wasn’t my drone it was my friend’s drone which sucks so much.
I feel. So bad for him basically we tried to fly under a dam, and it’s fully concrete. So we tried to fly through it, and there was obviously a lot of radio interference as well as it being concrete it didn’t get the GPS signal very well.
So it screwed it up, and the drone actually got stuck under there it was like hovering in the drone in underneath the tunnel. And So he tried to get control of it wouldn’t listen, and then it started spiraling out of control, and then. I think he might have got it out the control at the last second.
But it was too late. Because it was like trajectory course right for the wall, and it literally hit the wall like all the propellers blew off, and then it slid down. I don’t know easily 400 feet.
So it’s at the bottom of like this gulch. So there is one chance that, I’ll see that SD card again we met one of the workers one of the city workers here, and he said that after he’s done work he’s he knows how to climb down there, and he’ll climb down there for us, and get it. I don’t know why he’s.
So nice. But god bless. So maybe my SD card still intact.
So hopefully it’s still working. And So anyways starting a new new SD card fingers really crossed that later today were able to get it once he’s off work anyways we’re still going bungee jumping, and we’re going to see this guy gone to LA to do the lookout point which we were going to do this morning not that you’d know. Because my SD card is now at the bottom of it see you guys soon.
I get. So nervous when you’re flying the drone for that reason. And I had an extra bad feeling with this yeah rappers shot a brag about accomplishments.
But nothing you could drop it yet astonishes yeah next. I’m about to say is obvious. But criticisms wife some more than compliments yes yeah welcome to Thomas right there is the cheap, and we will be going up there normally Lauren.
I hike up. But they just recently felt the gondola, and tourism Vancouver got in touch with us. So we are gonna be going up there, and checking out we have just arrived to you at the base camp where we will be getting the gondola to the top, and what’s really cool is.
We’ve actually done this like many times it’s a really good hike to climb up your cheek it’s pretty much like climbing something like that. But even a bit bigger. But this mountain is actually higher.
So we’ll be overlooking where we normally hike this is. So pretty oh wow that lookout point this is absolutely incredible oh my gosh this is actually amazing. I said.
I like my suspension bridges with a bit more bounce this one’s not dangerous enough the view point is amazing though. I actually haven’t seen a nicer viewpoint than this yeah pretty much we’re gonna be jumping off a platform similar to like this except it’ll be like four times higher maybe it’s just yeah it’s terrifying. Because we did it like two years ago we did it two years ago.
But it’s still. I don’t think it’s something you ever get totally used to it’s just terrifying. I remember when we first arrived last time – pulling up into that parking lot you’d see the bridge, and it looked scary, and then you got on the bridge, and it got like exponentially scarier.
Because you could actually see down. So this is app if any point this is where individuals come to wait for that breakthrough that life-changing moment as soon as you sit down you will realize you’re calling got my hiking hat on yeah exactly go Abby go you’re meant for this all right this is our verdict. So far if you have kids, and a dog this is the place to be bring your kids bring your dog.
I’m very impressed with this place, and try to avoid getting the gut same guy we had in the gondola his chewing was horrendous he literally chewed the whole way up in the gondola, and the gun looks pretty quiet. So all. I heard was a slide.
I going back, and forth like anyways we made it up didn’t kill him we’re traveling in our own backyards you’re looking way too fab for hiking this is perfect there’s no one here, and the weather is on point not a single cloud in the sky Wow yeah. I asked if. I could bring my drone up, and they said they’d have to ask for like permits of permission of stuff.
So I didn’t bother doing it today but I mean I could have easily brought it up here, and no one would be the wiser this is the chief view point, and the chief is actually just right there that’s normally where we go hiking chipmunk chipmunk chipmunk deer food.
I think they’ll come eat out of your hand it was. So chaotic trying to get a picture on that that viewpoint. Because like you know like everything everyone wants to be standing at the viewpoint.
And So you’ve got some people who are waiting their turn like everyone else, and then you’ve got that one person who just decides that they don’t care about the line they’re just gonna go, and take their photo or use their binoculars to go take a look, and there was this one really annoying guy stupid french guy, and he was like like. I was excuse me. I even said in French.
I was like excuse me. I’m trying to take a photo like. I’ve clearly been waiting for five minutes at this point, and he’s like then why don’t you get a bit closer it’s like oh my gosh like some people that’s what really grinds my gears what grinds your gears comment below this is Spencer’s building we’re only two hours out from jumping to our fate we are one, and a half hours away from time to jump, and quite frankly.
I hadn’t already booked I’d be walking home. I’m not excited to jump right now but I remember after.
I jumped last time. I felt. So accomplished Abby.
And I drove home feeling. So good about ourselves was actually for Lars 21st birthday it was this nice surprise. I thought I’d get Abby killed, and make her go bungee jumping yeah.
So we are just leaving the sea the sky gondola lookout point here in Squamish, and it was actually really really cool. I didn’t know what to expect like. I knew it would be like a good luck out.
But this was amazing like they’ve got like nice hiking paths up here they’ve got nice facilities yeah it’s really really cool if you guys are ever in Vancouver definitely go to Squamish. And I highly recommend doing the Cetus guy gone to look so. We’ve just pulled into the dirt road which brings us all the way to Whistler bungee, and right as we pulled into the driveway we were listening to city in color, and then
I realized what he was singing, and singing the lyrics go singing my death song, and it goes on, and on back, and like he keeps saying singing my death song, and then. I was like yeah we’re not gonna listen to this song right now right as we’re about to go bungee jumping, and jump off. I think it’s a hundred, and fifty feels like we’re driving down death row yes Abby says her body’s tingling she’s.
So nervous, and we’re gonna walk up the hill to our deathbeds beds welcome to Whistler bungy all right. So I’ve been keeping it cool now. I’m getting nervous.
Because I can see where. I’m gonna be jumping Oh.
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