It is about 6:30 in the morning super super early. I slept two, and a half or three hours last night Abby.
And I are now at the airport my mom drove us here this morning, and she did awesome next five days Abby is treating me to LA for my Christmas present. So I’d be a lot of fun. I don’t feel like talking to a camera, and she likes me text mom Cirie’s real cheeky all right.
We’ve had some breakfast now. I’m feeling a little bit better a little bit more ready to take on the day, and now we’re gonna go through security. So I’m gonna put this camera away where.
I get pretty. I don’t know what’s going on over here but I want to be a part of this excuse me ma’am.
I’m looking for my flight Air Canada ma’am hello just useless staff these days excuse me sir. I’m looking for Eric Canada sir Air Canada any idea what terminal it’d be let’s go Abby good day to you sir this is where Lauren. I said goodbye when.
I went to Bangkok, and we were separated for two months. And I remember. I was going through that terminal right there, and we had our little moment of silence together right in there.
I remember being like this is the last time. I get to see you for two months, and then. I looked back, and say goodbye.
But we never looked back alright whoever hung these lights needs to be talked to obviously they’ve never heard of a level hey Tim have you seen the level nope. I haven’t hang it anyways we’re now on the plane, and we’ll be in LA 800 3 hours. So we’ll see when we get there it’s like 20 degrees in LA in sunny we have landed oh my god oh my god here she is Maura there you are you came we have arrived in America the land of the free market you stop being.
So PC share your la story. I got off a plane it’s a lot tonight. I actually was freaking out.
Because I was looking for my passport, and normally. I keep it in one place, and it wasn’t there. So I tore apart my parents room the upstairs my room everything.
I was like freaking out this was my gift from Abby to come to LA. And I’m starting to wonder if like. I feel even Abby likes having to stay in Canada X didn’t have my passport.
But thank God. I found it after about an hour of searching around the house who won’t stop asking me for my autograph. I’m like guys chill Oh like.
I know. I’m in LA. But over there hiya it’s Christians travel blog guys all right.
So we got driven all the way to $12 rent-a-car, and it’s costing us many dollars. Because Abby. And I are all under 25, and there’s like all these insurance they try to tack on, and all this stuff with like the most minimum coverage you can possibly get we’re paying 500 Canadian dollars for five days of $330 u.
S. it’s a lot anyways half of that fee is basically just a fee for us being under 25 years old. So it makes the car.
So much more expensive, and then the Canadian dollar makes it so much more expensive anyways it’s been a rough start you guys haven’t seen all the details. But we are not having fun at the moment, and we’re in the middle of a really rough neighborhood in LA.
So hopefully we find our way to downtown all right super rough starts LA. But we are finally in the LA Hollywood area, and it’s getting quite nice yeah this is actually. So cute it’s a little neighborhood here just outside of West Hollywood, and you can definitely see the Spanish influence.
I love that look. I just love how sunny you forgot your car can you even turn right in these states or no. I don’t know.
I don’t you tenant over sure this place are you allowed to. I don’t know that guy his license plate a swag this is the land of consumerism we’re here at the Grove in LA. And I think this is where celebrities would shop.
I guess. And I don’t really know this is the restroom at the mall crazy, and just half an hour ago. I was driving through a neighborhood that was.
So rough. I would never walk through on my own don’t get me wrong. I’m all for shopping.
But this is next level oculus like so much money Garney Michaela you guys might be in my blog. So we came all the way to LA.
So that we could eat here the promised land Chipotle. We’ve tripled lay in Vancouver as well but. I’m sure it’ll be better here in America Chipotle is live feeling good ready to take on the rest of our day we’re going back to our place with these girls here, and Abby.
And I are here for a little you know vacation just a CL day. We’ve never really been here or. I’ve never been here.
But also Abby’s here. Because there’s single generation Beauty going on. And I think.
I’ve stuck my teeth. But anyways. So these other girls are also youtubers, and they’re here for the beauty conference it’s an opportunity to network with other beauty gurus.
I think that’s the term they use for people who are involved in the beauty my blog fashion community, and yeah it’s the chance to network with a lot of good sponsors, and just hang out with other people like themselves this is the reason. I will one day live in LA it’s late January. And I’m in a t-shirt at 4 o’clock, and it’s still sunny out like this place is heaven.
I absolutely love the climate here definitely picking up on the fact that la is a very interesting place. I mean we got off at the airport, and we were actually in this area called Engel Dhin what was the area called Abby Inglewood yeah. So when we got to the airport we were in this area called Inglewood, and like.
I don’t listen to a ton of rap but. I’ve heard rappers say. I’m from Inglewood.
So I assume automatically it’s a rough area, and it was pretty rough, and then like 20 minutes later you’re in like West Hollywood, and you’ve got this like beautiful brand shopping mall. So it’s just it’s really interesting. Because in Canada there’s a lot more I’d say there’s a mix between the rich, and the poor where it’s here it’s like almost like a border, and then as soon as you cross it it’s like the rich, and the poor.
So it’s pretty interesting Oh all right. We’ve just checked into our hotel, and we’re sharing with the tan girls we’re sharing with Courtney, and Mikayla, and it’s actually really awesome it’s their place there was four girls – the girls dropped out, and Abby. And I swooped in they had family emergencies anyways look at the sky this is the sky tonight it literally looks like cotton candy it’s incredible today’s been such a beautiful clear day.
I have to say though like this climate is just to die for. I want to live here. So bad.
I mean the things. I don’t like about this place initially it’s a bit rougher you know you have your very wealthy areas, and your very poor areas there’s not really a happy medium as much at least not downtown LA like. I don’t know if I’d want to raise a family in this kind of environments the rich versus the poor, and it’s really in your face like flashy cars, and homeless people, and all coming together in one place it’s kind of strange.
But other than that. I love LA the food’s delicious all right we are on the star walk away with the cold the avenue of stars anyways those famous people stars right there they’re there, and all the way up there now you’re in Hollywood this is what dreams are made see if. I lived here my blogs would be.
So much more interesting find a slow dad just come walk this strip, and you’d see all these like weird people, and killers like how you live such an interesting life. But instead. I live in Vancouver, and all.
I can show you guys it’s rain couple of familiar suspects yeah the Roosevelt Hotel Roosevelt not Roseau mixtape right what’s what’s the what’s the album your grandma squat one more one, and can. I find it on my blog yes you can alright hick can. I give a little shout-out, and what’s your name my name battle saw a man on battle six minutes, I’ll since you’re late man on Monday light home a disaster home with some of the best battle rappers in the planet man show some love man pushing Mindy Scott food great news for Walmart worker not balanced or boss off on the clock man upon you on my blog thanks buddy thank you best luck up good night know what that’s better than yeah, and a familiar face right there.
So we’re in a store called lala land, and it’s basically just La souvenirs as the Oscars, and the Academy Award for the best travel blog goes to Christians travel blog. So many Oscars, and Leo can’t even get one. I touched the bat Abby’s mad it’s still a joke.
So this thing is apparently 1 million dollars. I don’t know about you. But this looks a lot cooler than a Ferrari that’s longer than any pickup truck you’ll ever see on the street pretty cool the street cruiser, and he comes with it for a million bucks, and as we come to the end of the walkway.
I see my star waiting for me one day one day that will be me this is our entryway into our place, and we’re literally a 5-minute walk away from the star avenue hollywood thingy, and this is a loft that that’s it uh got a queen here, and it’s all open concept, and then the girls are sleeping in here. We’ve already made a bit of a mess there’s a kitchen there is a TV a couch, and a nice bathroom in here cannot complain ok guys this is the end of the blog for tonight it’s not the end of my night we’re gonna go out for dinner but I want to have this file exported, and uploading to my blog.
So I’m gonna cut it off here, and anything else that happens tonight will be in tomorrow’s blog. And I will clean the lens. So there won’t be any splotching marks for tomorrow see you guys tomorrow.
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