To the fifth floor you must be 18 we’re just kids in a candy shop or a porn shop let’s do it really quickly. So this is a nice beautiful blanket for interesting people gosh it’s gonna be.
So easy to find souvenirs for my parents they have a game called sexy Beach, and literally it’s like you can pick your character you can set up the girl, I’ll pick the guy, and you can basically play your own fantasy on a post game anyways. I think. We’ve seen enough our guide was telling us that you can get physical services here in Japan, and it’s pretty casual you can actually just walk into a lot of different whatever you want to call it almost like a brothel basically, and get any services you need here in Japan, and it’s totally legal you know with them – right.
So it’s basically like you’re paying for company right you’re paying to hang out with the girls oh that’s interesting they look like they would live in a gingerbread house maid cafe okay. So same thing oh very cool are we able to get a picture with it go east okay we should actually go to a maid cafe that’d be very funny. But it’s interesting see like how like the animation like obsession kind of makes it into there’s the way they dress too right like the way they advertise themselves with their little maids they all wear those anime office a box of balls, and then you just put the balls in, and then you can start gambling okay Wow our guy just told us basically gambling here is illegal.
KINKY JAPAN Photo Gallery
So they can’t actually give you money if you win what they give you is they give you snacks, and cigarettes. But you can take the snacks, and cigarettes, and then trade them for money. So it’s like a loophole to basically get a payout at the end or you could just take the snacks, and cigarettes now we we can’t get over how like a cool of Japan is it’s just everything is.
So different, and completely opposite from what. I’m used to back home like. I’ve seen things that.
I didn’t know existed the toilets make noises, and sing to me like the roads are so clean. I’m really having a good time here.
So far really happy to be here, and see a lot more of it we’re going throughout Japan we’ll see quite a bit of it Tokyo is just our first stop oh thank you it’s too kind domo arigato mr. Roboto this is how I pictured Tokyo though look at this another like six stories worth of anime stuff there it is actually.
So deep in their culture gamer’s for life oh don’t eat you domo arigato mr. are you good look. I gave Tino a little lookout point.
So you can see Tokyo with us oh. So this isn’t this is not for cosplay. So this is all lingerie type sexual costumes oh my gosh Wow for six floors of adult costumes, and then on the side it says vibrator anal goods men’s support love cause, and condoms app all the good stuff we’re at the top of this massive like nine story electronics store, and they’ve got restaurants, and to order food you actually pay in advance.
So you select a meal you put in a little cart in here, and then you put the money in, and then you. I guess got like an authorized cart, and you give us the waitress, and then you get your meal. I don’t really know luckily we have a guide.
So like if. I come here alone. I would have just left but.
I’ve no idea what’s going on at this point all right pulling up the t’s Abby. And I have already spent $200. I don’t know how.
But everything’s quite expensive here in Japan especially transportation. And So each of these each of these is worth about a hundred US dollars it’s a bit 85 US Dollars, and it’s ten thousand Japanese yen. I believe it’s here this is what Japan is all about.
I love this place. We’ve been here for like 15 minutes. And I have no desire to get up, I’ll have to leave soon.
Because Katie is pressuring us to leave she’s already got that. So I just spent the last like 45 minutes looking for this thing. I thought at this point it had been stolen.
Because we went to the mountain massage chairs downstairs in like the lobby area. And I remember passing Abby the GoPro, and her looking at it, and then it being on the counter at some point. So I thought for sure at this point like we had just gotten up left, and left the GoPro behind, and someone came, and took it.
I had like the guards checking the security cameras, and everyone was looking Katie mark Abby, and after pretty much giving up Abby found it it was like stuck right here in the meshing of her backpack. So she obviously like Abby had it laughs. So I was like ready to kill her still kind of ready to kill her.
But anyways we’re going out tonight. I’m gonna leave this behind. I don’t feel like dealing with this GoPro tonight, and we’re gonna go to that that gambling thing you know that like the the bowls that we’re shooting up earlier today though.
I think it’s called a palenko or something series we’ll go get some drinks, and go to McDonald’s for dinner. So I think. I need that right now.
I’m pretty frustrated, and stressed. But luckily. I don’t have to buy a new GoPro cuz buying two was enough.
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