School of Modern Greek Language at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessa loniki 54006 (®310 99 7571; www.auth.gr/smg). Summer, winter, and intensive pro grams offered in conjunction with philosophy classes.
Eidgenbssische Technische Hoschschule (ETH; Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), Student Exchange Office, ETH Zentrum, CH-8092 Zurich (® (01) 632 61 61; www.mobili- taet.ethz.ch). ETH is a member of the TransAtlantic Science Student Exchange Program (TASSEP), and provides study abroad to students at specific institutions in Australia, Can ada, the EU, and the US. Exchanges are generally cheap; inquire with your university to determine if your school participates.
Unlike American universities, language schools are often independently run international or local divisions of foreign universities that rarely offer college credit. Language schools are a good alternative to university study if you desire a more intense focus on the language or a slightly less-rigorous course load. These programs are also good for high school students that might not feel comfortable with older students in a university program.
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