Cii-The New Gaels, North Tower, The Castle, Inverness IV2 3EU (®01463 226 710; www.cli.org.uk). Organization for the promotion of Scottish Gaelic culture. Language courses offered; searchable database of Gaelic centers and classes online.
Sabhal Mor Ostaig, Teangue, Isle of Skye, IV44 8RQ (®01471 888 000; www.smo.uhi.ac.uk). College on the Isle of Skye offers long- and short-term courses in Gaelic language and culture. Fees for short-term Gaelic classes £125-200.
The University of Edinburgh, Office of Lifelong Learning, 11 Buccleuch PI., Edinburgh EH8 9LW (®0131 650 4400 or 0131 662 0783; www.lifelong.edu.ac.uk). Has a wide range of short-term classes including language courses.
School of Welsh, Trinity College Carmarthen, Wales SA31 3EP (®0126 676 746; www.trinity-cm.ac.uk). Offers Welsh language courses of varying intensity from 1 day to 30 weeks.
Acen, Ivor House, Bridge St., Cardiff, Wales CF10 2EE (®029 2030 0808; www.acen.co.uk). Promotes the Welsh language through classes and publications; has contacts with organizations and schools throughout Wales.
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