Hey guys it is our final day here at Palm Beach Resort, and today has been a very relaxing start already like 1 p.m. it’s a beautiful sunny day started off a little bit overcast.
But this is what we’re looking at now, and Ronnie. And I are getting some shots from cinematix all around the resort then is editing right now in the Cabana area right now you can see here some of the local boys is playing some soccer here on the beach, and this is the beach here at the Palm Beach Resort absolutely beautiful the tide is out right now. So normally when the tide is in it comes all the way up to here.
But as. I mentioned before you can go out pretty far. Because it doesn’t get very deep let sounds spider-man all the way here in Cambodia might be our boat right there time to go of course the mic was off.
And I did that last. But what. I’m trying to say is goodbye to this room.
We’ve been here for two nights it’s been very much connecting us to the nature two fans a couple of beds, and the most beautiful island in the world. So if you’re coming here to relax this is the perfect place for you there’s really not a whole lot to do, and that’s exactly what makes it. So great thank you very much.
So we’re having the exact same drinks to welcome drinks as a goodbye drink juice goodbye thank you very much off we go yep you ready this is definitely on my recommendation list. Because the staff are awesome the food’s been good, and the beets itself is one of the best. So if you want to come somewhere chill out have a whole lot of nothing to view this is a great place to do it the only thing.
I would say is that make sure you come here being aware that there is no air conditioning you will be sleeping you know in a room that’s open-concept which means bugs, and lizards can come into your room long as you’re aware of that, and you’re ready to embrace that you’ll have an amazing time here. And I do recommend it we are now off to a different side of Cola Island. And I’m not too sure what we’re doing we’re going to what’s it called Ronnie would you like to do the honors where are we yeah right now go through here it is guys the beautiful beach, and there’s actually quite a few people walking around looks like this to be quite Lively thank you very much take care goodbye this is learning home look at this place this is so sick. I got you. So excited be here look hustling, and bustling. So before we go any further. I just want to give you a quick paradise 360 view. I think we might need to extend our one night here the water here is so clear crystal clear. I am loving the system. I see a lot of El Nido.
But way cleaner it looks a lot more beautiful. I’m honestly debating going back to blogging on the g7x, and then just using the a7s2 for cinematics because. I’m.
So fed up with blogging with the a 7sq like. So many times the back is just blown out like it’s just. So sensitive you have to setup all the shots.
I don’t have dice lenses. So it doesn’t autofocus the pain in the Royal bus now. I got all the way up to the top floor of our hotel brought my drone out, and then.
I’m like can’t fly my drone. Because I don’t have an iPhone cable. So I have to go all the way back down to the bottom there, and to go run down grab a cable get us up in the sky already missed the sunset.
But there’s still some good lighting, and this is our hotel for the night we are at the Col rung boutique hotel we just found it by walking around, and checked on a gota it’s $35 for the night for three people in a nice a seed room. So actually a very good price in a busy area, and it’s clean. So huge recommendation come here just based on the first experiences boys are in the room with AC things are good Ben.
And I getting cozy tonight who gets Ben tonight we’re like parents we fight over custody of Ben you guys in it. I had to sleep with Ben when it was all hot, and sweaty okay fine, I’ll keep them poor guy nobody wants to leave a thumbs up if you want Ben this has been our party anthem. So what did you think okay okay Chandra Rhonda Kendra Kendra Mundra.
I come together songs of little brings a compass ready come on that you’re a lyrical genius all right on the regular laundry laundry is one of those annoying things that you keep pushing off until the point where you like. I’m gonna have to wear dirty clothing again luckily. I didn’t get to that point.
But we’re going to do the laundry here it’s like $1 per kilogram to get it all cleaned up, and dried, and brought back to you sometimes things go missing hello let’s party it is very fun let me. And I know Ben’s got a slim fit t-shirt on ladies you see the v/line chop chop the beef is about a two minute walk from where we’re staying. So super close very romantic right now we are seated here at this beautiful beach the waves are crashing in the background, and we’re just waiting to order here Ronnie what are you ordering today.
I will go for chicken too mega Selma’s banana yes definitely, and a big 100 yes chicken to make a salad with banana my personal favorite as well delicious very good catch me outside just win a prize inside my anchor beer. I pulled off the lid. And I got the prize now Ben.
And I are winners Ronnie’s not won yet. But you know what we’ll have a few beers tonight. I think the odds are good we’ll win something for burgers one chicken nugget, and six beers, and that was all $19.
50 thank you very much bye-bye legend nothing quite beats a unisex bikini Pat’s. I $3 milkshakes $1 poppin. So we have found the bumper all, and browser is probably third bar like they’re already like two, and a half hours in your pogies resort you have to quiet you’re not that simple pizzas up when you put more stock you go to Night Lights restaurant completely different some other brands all right here we go we got three concealer Slammers, and the bartender’s joining in 250 pops not bad welcome to the hog okay rolled out even this far on your floor where we go you never know.
I’ve always had a bit of a prince factor rockiness like you have people were like way too drunk to be going on. I love is all about three nights ago girls was like. I can breathe fire, and we’re like not even paying attention.
But delightful camera book appearances, and we look back know who she is kerosene tries to blow into the fire, and nothing really happens it it goes pop whatever tries again saving up does it a third time. Because your own three times kerosene had rolled down our faces for insider little another faceless burn Ariane horrible for the deep any growing up to be like a sensible remember yeah 43rd again just like caption Oh. I’m a dick on a ferris wheel.
We’ve spent the last 20 minutes here making this pile of sand look that big it’s pretty big good yeah oh my gosh. So we just got back to the room, and we’re literally hunting down water as we speak right now Ronnie, and banner outside trying to find out water sources, and nobody is open still selling water which sucks because. I’m very very thirsty right now it is like 4:00 in the morning, and sunrise is probably around 6:30.
So we should get fed but I also need water. So that’s where we’re at that’s being a blog guys tomorrow is going to be a really full day showing you guys this incredible beach here, and till then let’s get lost again tomorrow you.
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