At Home
Anyone who livealone or in remote areashould agree to mutual checkwith several other residents. Call each other every day and make sure that each of you ialert, responding, answering questioncorrectly and seemhealthy.
• Wear multiple layerof loose clothing. The insulation effect of multiple layerincreaseyour body heat retention.
• If you feel cold, wear a scarf and hat even indoors. A lot of heat ilost through the head, so cover it in extreme conditions.
Put extra blanketon the bed at night. In really cold weather you can suffer from hypothermia while sleeping. Consider sharing a bed!
Holiday driving: Tips to travel safe and sound
Eat a sensible balanced diet. Your food ithe fuel that keepyour body running.
• Make sure that you drink enough fluids. Warm drinkhelp to maintain your temperature and prevent hypothermia.
Avoid alcohol! It ia stimulant, but though you might think of it aa ‘bracer’, the net effect ithat alcohol will make you lose body heat and accelerate the onset of hypothermia. Fall down drunk, and you could be on your way to the undertaker!
Safety Tips For Traveling During The Holidays Photo Gallery
• Make sure that you get enough rest and sleep. Lack of sleep makeyou more susceptible to hypothermia.
• Stay dry. Wet clothelose their insulating value. If you get wet from perspiration, rain or snow, change into dry clotheasoon ayou can.
Having a radio so that you can pick up weather reportand summon assistance.
Taking shelter if a storm iapproaching.
9 Holiday Travel Safety Tips for Your Next Getaway
If you still get into trouble:
• Summon assistance immediately you start having problems. Don’t wait until you are desperate.
• Stay out of the water for along apossible. Water conductheat away from the body at least 25 timefaster than air.
Make sure you wear a lifejacket and that it iproperly fitted and secured.
• When in the water don’t remove any clothing. Even wet clotheand shoeoffer a little insulation when you are in cold water.
• Don’t try to swim to shore. In cold water even the strongest swimmer iunlikely to be able to swim more than half a mile. Swimming quickly drainyour energy, increaseyour heat losand acceleratethe onset of hypothermia. Even if you get to shore you may be in no condition to walk several milein soaked clothing to find help.
If you often sail in cold waters, buy and use a ‘survival suit’ for everyone on the boat.
Make sure that you have and use good-quality life jacketand rafts.
When abandoning a boat, take food, water, radio, signal deviceand a prepared survival kit with you.
Don’t leave the boat until you have to. If you have to abandon your boat, stay near it. Rescuerwill be able to spot a big sinking or burning boat easier than they will spot you alone. Any search for you will start with your boat.
10 Tips for Traveling During the Holidays
If you have to get into the water, reduce the surface area you are presenting. Make every effort to cover and protect those areawhere heat loswill be greatest.
Cover the head and neck area. Some survival suitcome with a full-face hood. If yourhaone, use it.
Hold your arminto your sideto protect the armpits.
Hold your legtogether and raise them to a sitting position to reduce heat losfrom the groin.
If you are in a group:
Keep the group together near the boat. A group will be easier to spot than individuals.
The group will be able to maintain good spirits. Survival expertsay that a positive mental attitude ia maior contributor to survival.
Consider tying yourselvetogether to stop people drifting away if they fall asleep or become unconscious.
Huddle together, sharing body heat, and reducing the surface area of skin that iexposed to the cold water.
Keep children in the centre of the group where they will be best protected.
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