He also became an agent of the Stockton Government working to attract British workers to Stockton. Contemporary accounts describe a party atmosphere as around 200 people he recruited left by train in 1874, with family and friends waving flags at stations and from houses along the route. Child migration schemes originated in the early seventeenth century to help provide cheap labour for pioneers. Many of the organizations involved were closely associated with each other. Children’s charities like Dr Barnardo’s and the Children’s Society were involved in sending children overseas, while parish officials were actively involved with running local charities and were members of the local workhouse board of guardians. These, in turn, liaised with charities, as well as being involved with their own schemes. It is not possible to do justice to the whole subject of immigration.
Where is Stockton? | Stockton Map | Map of Stockton Photo Gallery
Suffice to say that immigration is nothing new in East Stockton map, with individuals and groups recorded as moving into the region as far back as records exist. As with outward migration, trade and work opportunities, and the pursuit of religious freedom, encouraged particular groups such as the Flemish cloth workers; the Walloons and Huguenots, some of which are featured under the topics of work and trade and religion. The twentieth century saw other waves from Europe, the Caribbean, India and former British colonies in Africa and elsewhere. Some had fled war and persecution, while others had, like their predecessors, simply pursued the opportunity of a better life. Although some material relating to both internal and external migration is held at The National Archives, there is much to be found in local record offices. Many of the sources already referred to in this book illustrate the movements of people, in particular parish and workhouse records. Removal orders include countless examples which could fill a book in themselves.
The removal orders for orphans Sarah and Robert Dixon, aged 14 and 12, from Lambeth in Surrey, in 1851, and of John Hart and his wife Mary, from Lutton in Lincolnshire, Holland in 1836, to Winfarthing demonstrate once again the distances some people moved. Parish records provide valuable information on those who participated in assisted emigration schemes. For example, a letter to the parish officials of Sheringham from a Henry Sotham in Oxfordshire in 1835 refers to a man named Crow who had gone to North America and was sending for his wife and family to join him: Having met with a person name Crow that went from your parish to Ohio North America some time since, wished me to Write to you when in England for information respecting his Wife & Family, whether they had means of getting to him; he has a very good situation and a maintenance for them, could they be sent to him, from the hints he gave me I expect they are chargeable on the Parish, should that be the case, if they will find half, Crows employer will do the other, by my writing to him in America. The accounts section of the vestry minute books for the parish of Diss refers to an assisted emigration scheme in 1844. The first mention is a notice that they will discuss the feasibility of sending William Rudd and his family to Canada. The second proposes: that William Rudd his Wife and four Children be sent out as Emigrants to Canada at the expense of the Parish. According to the rules of the Poor Law Commission.
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