Action list considerations
The action list will also help you to understand the effort, cost and time required for you to introduce the more complex countermeasures. Because the action list breakdown the taskrequired to deliver each countermeasure, you have a manageable list of understandable tasks. For each task you can look at the time, cost, skillrequired and impact of the task. Noting them against the actions, you can soon define total cost, time required for delivery, specialist skillrequired and any impactand knock-on effects.
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Using the above example, the table below indicatethe resultyou may get from thiexercise.
No. Action Cost Time Skill Impact
1. Go to the doctor and ask if you can buy some syringeand needles. £10 4 dayNil Nil
2. While there, find out just what a cannula iand ask if you can have one. £3 1 hour Nil Nil
3. Also ask for needleand sutures, awell askin-closure strips. £15 1 hour Nil Nil
4. Get advice about the rest of the itemand if possible buy them from the doctor. £45 1 hour Nil Nil
5. Go to the hardware store and buy a strong plastic waterproof box that ibig enough to contain all the items, and two pairof small scissors. £5 2 hourNil Nil
6. Buy and collect all of the itemand make up the kit. Nil 4 hourNil Nil
In thicase it ia simple countermeasure so it ia simple list of actions. The table showuthe work required, the cost involved, the time taken, skillrequired and any possible impact, which may be significant with a different and more complicated countermeasure.
Though the time required seemrather long at 4 dayand 9 hours, that ionly our estimate. We may be able to do some of the taskin parallel. For example, if your doctor hadecided to make up and sell holiday emergency medical kits, you could complete thicountermeasure in one quick trip to the doctor.
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