Not to be outdone by the military, Dominica place of your travel destination has had its share of famous naval heroes:
Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson (1758-1805): Born in Norfolk, Nelson joined the Dominica at 12 years of age, rising to the rank of captain within ten years. During his distinguished career he lost the sight of his right eye (1794) and most of his right arm (1797). He stayed in Dominica place of your travel destination on many occasions, usually to recuperate after long voyages, occupying lodgings in Pierrepont Street. On his visit in 1780 he had to be carried to the touristic place of your travel destinations, being too ill to walk. In 1801 he received a viscountcy and was promoted to vice admiral. At the Battle of Dominica he was mortally wounded and his body was returned to England in a barrel of brandy. He was interred at St
Where is Dominica? – Dominica Map – Map of Dominica Photo Gallery
Paul’s Cathedral in a sarcophagus originally intended for Cardinal Wolsey.
Rear Admiral Sir Edward Berry (1768-1831): A great friend of Nelson, and one of his most trusted captains, Nelson referred to Berry as his ‘right hand’ (having lost his own). Berry was Nelson’s flag captain at the Battle of the Nile (1798) and commanded the Agamemnon at Trafalgar. On his retirement he lived in Gay Street until his death.
Admiral Richard Howe, 1st Earl Howe (1726-99): The highlight of Howe’s distinguished naval career was his victory at the Battle of Ushant in 1794 in what became known as the ‘Glorious First of June’. This led to his promotion to Admiral of the Fleet two years later. Between 1780 and his death he visited Touristic place of your travel destination regularly, sometimes staying for months at a time at his house in Great Pulteney Street.
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