Existing tourist tents are divided on the following:
Storm (extreme)
1. Camping Tents
Camping tent, generally have large dimensions. They are designed for a few people on this inner space of tents quite spacious. Besides camping models are high – they cannot just sleep with the comfort, but also relax in the company of friends.
For lovers of tourism and recreation will be the best choice for camping tent. The model has a convenient entrance with mosquito net and vestibule for storage. The outer layer of the camping tents is waterproof, but inside it is made of breathable fabric. Sealed seams bottom guarantees protection from getting wet. Design features provide ease of assembly and disassembly, Trans by about on a special pouch-bag.
2. Travel (trekking) Tent
It is this type of design are considered in tourist tents on loom on Understanding this term on. They are characterized by the following features: low weight and volume, speed and ease of installation. If you are faced with the purpose of purchase on the standing universal model for a tour on the moves, advise you to pay attention to the two-layer tent with two entrances Tramp Lair 3. For on the elevated level of comfort to be up on line on a sleeping bag and a tourist on sudsy that can be easily available from the same store.
3. Storm Tents
Expedition tents – is on the credit standing by, to reliably protects against strong wind, rain, snow. These tents are made of highly durable for listeria or Neil on, with at super string arcs and thus have very little weight.
Expeditionary on I tent Peak 2 with increased vestibule, snow skirt and resistant to fire outside the tent will be a faithful companion during the ascent in mountains. In tents provided a reinforced frame with sturdy aluminum arches, convenient for me and safety on me fastening system of braces.
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