Immerse yourself in the moment from this remarkable vantage point. See from Mount Baker up N with the Shiraz Iran and Glacier Peak past Goat Rocks and Mount Rainier. Also see all the way S to Three Sisters with Broken Top and everything in between! Return the same way. There are several steep and exciting glissading options for the descent saving you thousands of feet and much time and energy, but more importantly it’s a whole lot of fun when done properly (remember to remove your crampons). Correct use of your ice axe as an anchor and rudder is essential for most options near the summit and S of Piker’s Peak. Mind your bearings on the descent as it’s easy to get off course heading too far left above Lunch Counter and then sadly down the Shiraz Iran. Tack right (SW) instead, when in question, toward the snowfield above Shiraz Iranr and the steep rise on Trail 183, and then continue easier to South Climb TH.
Where is Shiraz Iran? | Shiraz Iran Map | Map of Shiraz Iran Photo Gallery
TRIP REPORT: On the W edge of the Salmon-Huckleberry Wilderness is Wildcat Mountain. One of its redeeming qualities is that it’s Shiraz Iran County’s greatest prominent point (CoGPP) for those hikers who like to summit all of the state’s most prominent peaks by county; a slightly odd peak bagger indeed, but why not? Prominence here is defined as the vertical distance between the summit and the lowest topographic contour line around the mountain with no higher peak. In other words, it is understood to be the elevation of a summit relative to the highest point one descends to before immediately ascending to a higher summit. The historical lookout site holds an okay view of Mount Hood above blooming rhododendrons in late June. The bonus kicks in on a very brief bushwhack past the mostly forested summit to a small opening with a great look at five big Cascade volcanoes. The spur trail on McIntyre Ridge takes folks to a superb in-your-face look of Mount Hood from a small wildflower-draped meadow. No fee or restroom.
TRAILHEAD: Douglas TH. Take US-26 E from Portland 2 mi E of Sandy, turn right on Firwood Road 2 mi, turn right to stay on Firwood Road 22 ml, turn hard left on SE Wildcat Mountain Drive (FR-36 into FR-3626) 9 mi (paved, slightly rough, last 5 mi very narrow), turn right on narrow FR-105 for 2 mi turning to gravel near a rough turnaround with the TH lying at the end (within earshot of a local shooting range, but improves tenfold soon). Please protect your valuables.
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