Hey guys it is day one here in the Dominican Republic, and Abby. And I will be here for the next seven days let’s take a look at the beach today my workout shorts rolled up Air Canada lost Abby’s luggage which is really annoying. Because I had everything bikinis outfits makeup we’re gonna make the best of it though hello it is now 4:00 p.

M. we spent most of the day dealing with technical difficulties, and we have good news we found the bag it’s going to be hopefully delivered here tomorrow luckily Abby will have all their supplies buy them now. I can show you guys what made me the most beautiful beach.

I’ve ever seen pretty today. But apparently it’s like the leaders of the windy days of a robbery Julian this is Julian good for Montreal right yeah great guy he gets to hang out here how many days with the Ertiga looks like we have a behind the scenes of some dance class might be a little creepy if. I film it but.

I’m not much of a dancer but I can totally get behind what these guys are doing they’re just lounging relax cook Spanish lesson hola means hello. Because everyone speaks Spanish here gracias Thank You mucho muchas gracias I Stingers muchas muchas gracias thank you very much, and ciao Italian apparently it’s not Spanish it sounded like an idiot another fun fact this is the Atlantic Ocean.

And I’m pretty sure. I’ve never been in the Atlantic Ocean before. So this is honestly my favorite thing look at the beach they got a soccer net they’ve got a volleyball court with the game going.

So check out the gift shop Millikan cool they’re made here yeah Abby don’t do it you’re gonna hear your toes wet that would be horrible Abby’s gonna be doing a lookbook if you guys are interested in finding out the look these are my gym shorts they may or may not have been washed. I’m not sure hey guys. So I finally found myself some clothes we did being Sue’s nobody has anything but.


I did find somewhere out front that’s part of their like a little shopping area, and then. I got dressed, and it cover up. So I’m hoping that will do me till tomorrow like.

I’m a lot more like Christian might argue this. But easygoing compared to like a few years ago hi Julian hey doing buddy Danny’s back. I am kind of making fun of you.

I’m sorry Abby’s like you need to take photos of me. I’m like okay she’s like stuffs, and works perfectly with my Instagram team, and they’re doing a white Instagram yeah the Sun doesn’t work perfectly with Instagram yet. I do agree.

I use the word like most beautiful a lot it’s like. I’m always doing things that most people. I’ve ever seen.

But like if. I were to like take a you know a quantitative approach, and like it analyzed each little piece of the beach like for the water the sand the setting. I always say this is probably the nicest beach you’ve ever been to yeah no.

I definitely would say. So it’s almost like that’s way more chilled out yeah nice you can come here grab a drink got food will you take the final rose you guys are probably reading this time-lapse thinking Wow Lauren, and Christian have such a nice dinner ahead of them we’re not actually getting there. But tomorrow is the big day for us tomorrow is our five-year anniversary it will have been five years that.

I have been loving her from the bottom of my heart throw a thumbs up if you like love let’s open up the audience what’s your favorite thing about me the Lord just went on for about 15 minutes. I think she probably got to item 53. And I just had to stop her hey guys it all started with one GoPro terrible post.

I should you already remember the first post. I put on my blog you should see Abby’s old posts there it’s you know no one starts off with good posts. But the things that my blog has been able to open up to both Abby.

And I Abby’s got some really cool stuff out of doing my blog this is my first ever post was. So funny it was like we drove around for maybe 5 10 minutes or like okay this looks like a good place to shoot we pull over. I get out.

I’m like. I don’t want to be here. I want to be here.

I’m filming Abby on the side of the road literally with that it was like Abby’s fashion lookbook, and this like cars coming squeeze stop filming, and we get off the road better. But the point is everything starts off. So badly my first post which.

I’m not sure if it’s up right now. And I might take it down. I wanted it to be like kind of cheesy.

Because I knew it wasn’t gonna be good. So it was like it was like way too cheesy. But what.

I’m trying to get out is posts don’t start off good you should heart posts did not start off very good. But they gradually built up. So where they are today we are the only ones except for this here to go down there who are enjoying this beautiful pink sky this time up this is what our relationship gets us up have a good time lapse camera has to be perfectly still for an extended period of time, and is ruined okay no room service thank you the sheets are clean.

I’m good crazy room keeper just kidding it’s Abby in the old room keep her joke it never gets old Abby. And I are now heading there’s Abby heading for Italian food with the group go show starting every night at 9:30 they have a new show spaghetti meatball Italian. I want something you want something real nice.

I want two spaghetti meatball this looks like a nice meal well my bad. I didn’t realize you have to dress up for dinner. So I have to go back, and get a dressing on it, I’ll be back at 5:00.

But what about me guys it is like 2:00 in the morning. I just got off the phone with Air Canada, and let’s just say when your luggage gets lost it’s never going as planned. But things are really not going as planned Abby’s luggage although tracked, and found it went to the wrong City.

So it’s not Montreal we wait Borneo it’s in the french-speaking part of Canada. But we never went to Montreal. So the bank went to the wrong place it’s now being sent to Punta Cana won’t be here for another three days to keep it short.

I was on the phone with them they’re being very unhelpful, and it’s just not how you want to be when you’re on a vacation even though this is more work. I mean it’s still it’s fun for us you know it’s fun to be here at a resort. But it’s not fun to not have any clothing for Abby, and it of course impacts me as well.

Because we’re constantly trying to track it down now we have to go shopping, and get our new stuff. So anyways. I want to keep things positive just the reality of it.

I want to share with you what’s going on, and that’s one of the things we’re dealing with one morning is gonna be a really awesome start to the day. We’ve got some cool things in store, and have got at you guys, and let’s get lost again tomorrow.

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