That’s really day 2 guys today we’re taking out this bad boy we’re going ATVing in one of the most beautiful places in the entire world. I have the biggest smile on my face right now like this is the most perfect day, and we’re in one of the most perfect places the last time.
I took a quad out was in New Zealand. And I was at a farm. I almost flipped it.
So we’ll keep you posted wouldn’t be Colorado without some solar panels all right let’s do it all right yep got the knights of the round table getting ready for a day of ATV holding this cheque ready to go Cambridge in Boston listen world she’sa last you so. We’ve lost two passengers two groups of passengers. We’ve lost our cameramen.
And We’ve lost the family BIA, and their little son. I don’t know where they are they must just be back a little bit not exactly the army mentality here you leave a few men behind. I’m gonna do a quick battery swap here all the ATVs kick up.
So much dust. I think my thing is my face covered in mud yours is like you’ve got like a full-on mustache going on here. So we’re off the ATVs we’re hiking about five minutes there’s like a waterfall up here like a 15 meter waterfall, and Nina.
And I talking about how we got involved in the GoPro family Nina’s from Brazil Oh it’s a combination being extremely out of shape, and being right now 8,500 feet up it’s a lot harder to breathe up here when you’re doing rigorous activity tomorrow it’s gonna be a real test we’re doing a 5 kilometer run with GoPro it’s like the GoPro mud run is gonna be kind of like a Tough Mudder. I guess. I don’t really know what.
I do know is. I’m gonna die. And I don’t have running shoes.
I’m after right in the end these or my at us Melissa. I think. I think your makeups much the little guy sitting on my face like here did.
I get it yeah you got it there we go now it’s gone what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger bitches. I don’t know if you know this about me but I actually took home gold for Team Canada in every single category of the gymnastics in the Olympics in about seven years is it wrong that.
I want him to fall because. I’m filming it would be really funny. I believe in you if he falls you’ll be the first to see it only here on Christians travel blog you’re almost there you’re almost there unbelievable day guys.
We’ve had nothing. But beautiful perfect skies there’s a waterfall just over there a TV right here, and we’re back on the road yeah we just lost traction, and they weren’t even filming when it crashed that’s a GoPro thing like was it rolling guys. I would like to introduce you to an american-size dog 15 pounds of ground beef today tacos quesadillas all right guys we’re back at the hotel everyone made it back in one piece just one totally destroyed quad just left the room going up for dinner now.
And I’m probably just going back right after dinner, and do some editing cuz. I’ve got a time to catch up on gotta get a blog on what do you think that’s like 120 inches maybe maybe. I’m overestimating.
But at least 90 inch TV. So our dinner reservations are at the top of Vail, and we’re taking the gondola to get there yeah funny names already the air is. So fresh up here my name is Molly.
I am from the UK. And I’m a travel blogger much like Christian backpack in Asia thank you so much cheers guys we are in for a bit of a treat this is the GoPro bomb squad, and here comes the bomb squad Hey.
So we can fly paragliders. But not drones, and see how it is Wow they look. So majestic that must be.
So nice a thing holy Sh holy crap this guy might just be out of control we have no idea that’s unreal that guy’s got massive balls. I feel a little uncomfortable reading this. So they’re not only glide.
But they actually have a motor on the back that allows them to get back up. I don’t know how long it lasts more. But that’s really impressive the ethos, and the money that you see all that, and everyone’s they’ve been really tired like every night everyone’s like.
I’m exhausted. I’m exhausted great thousand six hundred feet up, and right now. I think that might be why.
I’m sorry. I can barely keep my eyes open. I’m drinking coffee Bon Appetit this looks.
So good it’s like whipped cream, and some sort of chocolate thank you today’s blog is brought to you by Stella drink lots you guys this is the last gondola otherwise we’re stuck up here for the rest of the night except for that one there’s also another one over there right now we’re in Vail Village making some friends here oh five yeah it’s. I mean you can’t tell anyone it’s actually brand new release yeah obviously click off nice dude alright guys they just got back amazing night. And I need to get up pretty early to edit.
So I’m heading to bed now how gonna you guys, and let’s get lost again tomorrow.
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