We have just arrived at the Elephant Nature Park look at all that nature right there the beautiful elephant roaming freely that’s what it’s about you, and today is day 2 yeah see glidecam HD this here is what you’re going to see black tusk filmed on.
And I’m excited to show you guys, and results if you’re not a camera guy that probably meant nothing to you. But what you can expect is amazing looking footage for black tusk coming from an amazingly talented postgrapher legit do it come on Blake is gonna be. So jacked by the end of this this rig is so heavy calling the wrist that’s. I’m going to stop that movement vodka. I sense a storm is coming let’s go get interesting.
I’m wanting some cinematic footage with the elephants, and the storm would be really cool. I just wanna why. I’m holding the Steadicam in the expensive camera.
And I just about H in there queen of the whistle see they just poured some brand new sand, and you can see the elephants are having a heyday over there they are so excited. So am I that’s.
So sick. So it doesn’t take long for the weather to change, and a storm is coming. I can hear the Thunder haven’t seen lightning yet.
But this is the perfect time for us. Because everyone the park has gone to get lunch, and now we have this to ourselves Wow the storms are coming down, and now we get to see these elephants enjoy a bit of rain this is incredible oh how did you just get into it. I don’t want to go to work.
I don’t know what is butternut up. But another take a look at my elephant. Because she’s the one that sits on my head we go excited they’re like.
Elephant Nature Park Photo Gallery
So excited they are they just want to get in there look how excited they are this is quality the big one came in we’re just chilling the fort oh my gosh look at the baby. So clumsy what do you wanna do today guys put on the wall you can grab ya giving his friend a back massage that’s not friendship goals. I don’t know what is no.
I don’t know where smartest hey fool where are you it looks like a submarine there’s really no boundaries here anything goes scratch your butt my head doesn’t really matter he’s done it all happens here at alpha network see it all no. I just noticed down there there’s another herd doing the exact same thing this is such an incredible moment for me right now this is a beautiful thing ohana means family family means nobody gets left behind. So all the trainer’s all the mutts are sprinting after this elephant.
I think it might have gone too it’s yeah it’s making a run for it go ahead run kibbles run what is it Dean oh dear thank you. So yesterday Derick was telling us that every single one of these elephants they’re over 30 years old came from the logging industry, and they’ve all been through the crush. And I don’t think.
I explained it in the last blog. But the crush is a three-day process where the elephants are tied up starved beaten all the bad stuff basically removed from the family. So that they have no spirit, and that’s the point where they become usable for tourism for logging basically it’s the point where they just give control to the human, and all of them have been through that all these elephants here.
But despite such an incredibly difficult path they they face an elephant’s of incredible memories. So they haven’t forgotten they’re still able to live a rather normal life, and move on, and and be happy here which is a really really cool thing of it all fresh delivery boy they’re getting excited now yeah. I think it’s good the elephant was an avid glidecam user okay let me calibrate that for you what’s all like one, and a half tons of his weight on it though I’d actually.
I think luckily my screaming like a girl, and the mood running over prevented him from applying too much weight we got spring rolls some veggies. So we just watched a post that was provided to us by lek, and like is the founder of elephant inch parks we’re going to be going to meet her. I think we’re right now that is exactly why we’re doing black test that is the treatment the average Southeast Asian elephant receives even when it’s finely crushed, and it has no spirit left it continues when they go into whatever industry they brought in to logging tourism begging.
So I just had my biggest interview ever. I interviewed lek, and luck is like the leader of the world in elephant conservation she was recognized in times 2010 in addition for one of the top five Asian heroes she has met with Hillary Clinton, and been recognized for her work in animal conservation, and right now she’s going to bring us to meet Kansai. I believe was the elephant’s name she’s.
So cool. So guys this is lack here lek is kindly showing us elephant nature park, and see the hook ton sai fossae oh yes you rob. I like yeah they here you have your baby they’re making their noises yeah David one minute look how heavy the opener fahsai Wow oh my god we are getting a slurp show go to town this is so good it’s like madness, and she’s just in there singing a lullaby to them it’s incredible how did you get them to be. So close to you, and trust you so much get off hosting you have to show your love love us coming, and the table you have to show them.
Because many of them get abused. But if they get us you have to be careful with a little tiny life here it’s very curious oh wow that’s that’s quite the scratch she used to be very aggressive Wow now she’s. So gentle yeah is there one elephant that you have the closest relationship with all of them yeah yeah yeah.
And So they all have different personalities though yeah. So different that is the most realistic this one very possibility voice mm nice stuffing not if anyone you want to me they must listen to him sing upon interview everybody very noisy as well written by the Rockies. So personnel.
But he. Because he literally give oh yeah naughty Nadia, and this one the mother mother of one the rest your home sweet lady. I’m street begging.
So this was a street beggar before oh it’s kept in your checkbook yeah tonight you can see it. I make them believe alibi look she’s likes putting her foot on lek. So.
Because she’s a mom she feels like she’s protecting luck when she forces luck underneath her that is love right there hello oh he’s coming close hi dear look how happy these animals are the feeling of you know what Shawn never laid out, and will stay wherever one. I love one home she’s keen to scratch goodbye guys that was like the perfect way to end off today. So we’re gonna go now head back to our hotel.
I’m gonna start my edit for the day luck is pretty awesome yeah that’s for sure pretty successful day of shooting yeah when. I’m shooting something like black tusk this is kind of new for me. Because we’re really going out of our way to like get the perfect shot, and have the perfect thing set, and that’s where it gets a little more challenging there’s definitely a different pressure that comes with it it’s a really good learning experience.
So far, and you know. I think. I’m managing both pretty well shooting the doc while blogging it too he’s very very fat yeah what’s his name Oh MooMoo Oh piggy.
So black tusk was actually supposed to be like completely wrapped up here at Elephant Nature Park within two days, and then we take another day to film the not. So great businesses like the circuses but. We’ve had a change of plans, and things have gotten.
So much better black tusk has been taken to a whole nother level we have been invited by Derrick, and again Derrick was a guy we met yesterday was doing the interview under the elephants, and he’s inviting us to join him for a overnight ride to go pick up two new elephants in Suren which is right on the border with Cambodia. So we’re leaving tomorrow around 8 p.m.
, and we’re going to get there around 5:00 in the morning. So it’s an overnight ride we’re going to be in this massive like pickup truck that can fit two elephants, and the story’s just going to get so much better when just.
So excited like this is not the story that. I envisioned. But that’s like when the best stories occur oh my gosh what is it story by lek this is beautiful this is Lex organization by the way guys if you want to hear more about how you can get involved check out save elephant foundation to save the elephant foundation backpack.
So I can carry all my souvenirs home welcome to the blog hey how’s it going guys we’re just leaving the Elephant Nature Park. So nice meeting you Ariel bye guys enjoy the rest of your trip all right yeah let me a nice sunset day two unbelievable but. I’m gonna start my edit for the day, and there’s not a whole lot more going on we’ll see you guys tomorrow for what should be the highlight of the entire trip.
But until then let’s get lost again tomorrow going to show us one of the coolest things you’ll have ever seen that is beautiful.
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