Yeah huh yeah not a bad view to wake up to they’re cool after pool after pool, and right over there is a lowly Beach time to get to breakfast into the breakfast buffet here at sea breeze aesthetically speaking this may be the best breakfast buffet.
We’ve had yet you guys way too much selection here you can even get chicken cordon bleu for breakfast yeah every morning. I just show you guys what. I’m eating look we just got delivered to fresh thanks Benedict look at the water here guys it is cerulean blue you’re wondering where.
I learned that word it’s from Ned the older gentleman who we had the pleasure of meeting in Bondi on. So keeping things last minute is not always a good idea in this case it costs us a little bit today we assumed that there was boats leaving – aw slob frequently which is not true we had to pay to get a private boat – aw slop, and normally we would just push it off go the next day but. We’ve already made arrangements it’s fine instead of paying like 800 a head we’re paying 2,000 a head.
So 4,000 for a private boat which is expensive. But it is a nice boat ride over. So we’ll deal with it that’s service got a golf cart waiting for us these Westerners can’t handle the heat have an hour to get ready we’re gonna pack make a few phone calls, and then we’re gonna get on the boat going – good morning is this great my name is Christian LeBlanc.
And I’m a daily travel blogger. So I make posts for my blog, and Facebook these posts get anywhere from thousands to millions of views. I’m actually coming through Oslo today.
And I’m looking for somewhere to stay is there a manager or a marketing manager available to speak with comfort that would be great r0 can be great thank you so much for help, I’ll give him a call, and my posts get anywhere from tens of thousands to millions of views uniquely. I’m actually coming through also of today.
And I’m under this understanding that you own a beach resort in Oslo yes. So basically what. I’m looking for is in return for accommodation.
I would be providing your Beach Resort with tons of exposure on my blog. So as a daily travel blogger. I show people how to travel all around the Southeast Asia.
And So for us love. I want to show people a few things. I want to show them the way sharks to Molag Falls.
And I also want to show them where to stay. So great accommodation selections. And I think that’s where we have the opportunity to partner.
So, I’ll be there for one to two nights, and if you were ever interested what. I can do is. I can forward you an email that gives you all my information my accounts on Instagram Facebook my blog, and a bit of an explanation as to how it can benefit you yeah okay great well why don’t we start, I’ll get the email address that you’d like me to send all the information over – all right we’ll send it over in about five minutes talk to you soon bye bye well guys we gotta say goodbye to the view it’s been an amazing stay here thank you.
So much Hannah, and Bohol for having us amazing stay amazing hotel hopefully we’ll be back, and now we’re going to a slob on our little boat alright. I see our boat the Nestle there she is in all her glory this boat we’re on is not exactly a large boat really hoping that the waves aren’t you strong. But it does look a little wavy a little bit of swimming the kind of girl you walk the whole nerd phone put them on your back, and just carry alright étude is hotter than the where she’s around nothing else matters untouchable thank you very much two, and a half hours later in tiny little boat the sea was actually really calm.
So nice ride kind of relaxing, and we’re in all slub now we’re meeting with Maurice, and Mimi. I would tell you their blog name. But honestly it looks like squiggles to me.
Because it’s in Arabic. And I can’t read Arabic we are ninety five away from 50k on my blog, and Abby has to throw me a fifty thousand party that’s two parties place everything yeah. And I want to parties.
Because look at this on Instagram forty nine point eight this close away from having two parties that’s what. I said one party. I want two parties.
I’m for Instagram or my blog it’s to accomplishments. I really hope it doesn’t happen on the same day like my blog should happen today, and then Instagram could be tomorrow otherwise it’ll be like you know those people who have their birthdays during Christmas, and then. I get ripped off.
Because they only get like one present that would be like what would happen if. I had my Instagram, and my my blog hit 50k in one day. Because then
I don’t get one party you’re only getting over damage Laurie put throw me two parties solution. I know my friends had five party don’t have time to plan tea parties my friends got five well friends of my parties see all did we there’s only one dagger ripped off good gonna hop on one second, and here we are yes this one here we just arrived at Garden State Resort here in Oslo, and we’re gonna be staying here for one night tomorrow morning we got a very early morning we’re gonna go see those whale sharks Oh excellent all right. So more eats, and maybe just arrived let me introduce you hello hey guys how are you well that was perfect timing they literally within two minutes of us showing up showed up as well this is our room here at Garden State Resort we got a/c we got that fan we got a real tan lady yeah Lois Bay Times oh it’s a very nice place yeah.
I love it clean it smells good it’s like a its B&B feel to it’s nice, and cozy. I didn’t realize it colorful yeah nice one this is the terrace here not bad hey guys oh yeah it’ll look cool with my drone but I don’t have it anymore how much to to Molag falls of course it’s very far.
So small world story this is more reeds, and up guys you’re from the Netherlands the Netherlands this is Miriam also me me basically Maureen’s message me through an email as the other day probably about three weeks ago asking how I managed to get accommodations. And So I kind of gave them some of my tips we Skyped, and next thing he tells me is he’s booked a flight to the Philippines, and here we are we have met up in the Philippines we’re going to be going to see the whale sharks tomorrow zombie awesome, and maureesa me me have their own my blog blog we have a couple of blogs.
But one of them is our like our main thing it’s from met a.m. with a lot of girly stuff a lot of beauty stuff, and everything isn’t a topic.
So you have to add the kind of Arabiya to understand. So I don’t know if any of your followers we got an Arabic. But then they can understand yeah.
But yeah basically we just had a moment like we saw your post on my blog, and we thought it was awesome like it looked really good like two weeks later we’re here we are exploring off Slav where no tourist has been that actually might be sort of true we have no idea where we are. But it looks like there’s like a big sports gathering here. So we’re gonna check it out volleyball yep yeah, and boom goes Iowa yep yep yep yep aw come on buddy butterfingers, and boom goes the dynamite Oh God just like that look at this kid he’s just pondering life.
I think he just got dumped you can talk to it. So I think we talked him out of it alright guys it has happened Abby. I have 50,000 on my blog, and you guys that was a cheeky smile yeah you guys are here to celebrate with me a thousand thank you.
So much you guys. I couldn’t do without you guys literally. So don’t hit on subscribe thank you.
So much for the support you guys Rock let’s make more posts Oh you you guys picture yourself here beautiful scene talking about my blog this is the life is perfect Abby’s burnt by the way guys if you were wondering. I’m not Brett this is gonna be a beautiful time. So Burt give me an x10 perfect lighting right now guys perfect temperature feels magical in here right now with the red sky we are back at the Garden State Resort here in Oslo we’re gonna go.
I don’t know get some appease maybe a couple drinks, and check out the patio / terrace area overlooking the ocean thank you guys some drinks, and maybe go for a swim. I have my band sit on. Because I am just very sweating right now stay tuned for tomorrow’s big announcement yeah stay tuned for tours we should do scripts three days in rails prepping enough big announcement, and fifty thousand guys.
I’m pumped. I’m feeling good tomorrow. I should be fifty thousand on Instagram.
So Abby power combined party we’re gonna have two parties we’re having a super throwing me two parties. I’m really excited all Ken. And I’ve got a really big announcement for tomorrow we’re gonna go for a swim.
I don’t know if it’s really swimmable. But the resort has beachfront access. So let’s do it you’re coming in too all right on.
I heard some people are from Toronto. I’m from Vancouver how is it low, and that’s the last we ever see of Abby in the blog just came back from a little dip that’s the poem how nice was that all right guys. So it’s like 9:30 it’s starting to rain here cuz we’re out of folks wait what’s like, and now say hi goodbye guys see in the morning, and the rain is starting to come down Shh.
I’ve just ordered a coffee to the room. I’m gonna be doing at least three hours worth of editing. Because I need to get a blog up that’s the end of the blog for tonight guys tomorrow will be awesome we’ll get ready for the big announcement yeah there’s a big announcement they’re really big announcer really big announcement everyone gets.
So excited when you say that’s rigged announce it. So they’re like actually the others thinking else we can else know what tomorrow we’re gonna see the whale sharks, and as a big announcement why would you miss this blog don’t miss it have a good night guys let’s you ask. I hate my job.
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