Activities: Education Programs; Guided Tours; Lectures; Temporary/Traveling Exhibitions. Publications: exhibition catalogues (annual).
The major program of the Nelson Gallery is a schedule of changing exhibitions focusing on contemporary and historical American and northern Californian art. The exhibition program is supplemented with lectures, publications, video presentations, and other events. The Fine Arts Collection brings together works of art that have been acquired (primarily through gifts from private donors) since the 1960s. Presently, the collection contains over 3,000 works representing various historical periods and cultures as well as contemporary art. Changing exhibits of pieces from the collection are mounted on a regular basis in the collections Entry Gallery (adjacent to the Nelson Gallery, the Buehler Alumni & Visitor Center, and other campus locations. A number of works, including “The Egghead Series” by Professor Emeritus Robert Arneson, are permanently sited on the UC Davis campus as part of the Campus Art in Public Places program. Also of possible interest on campus are the Design Gallery (752-6223) located in 145 Walker Hall (open: Mon-Fri. noon-5pm: Sun, 2pm-5-pm) and the Memorial Union Gallery (752-2885) located in Room 241 on the 2nd Floor of the Memorial Union Building (Mon-Fri. 9am-5pm). Additionally, the Native American Studies Departments C.N. Gorman Museum located in 1316 Hart Hall hosts five exhibits each year featuring northern California Artists.
University of California, Davis – Richard L. Nelson Gallery & The Fine Arts Collection Photo Gallery
Fullerton California State University, Fullerton – Art Galleries
Activities: Arts Festival; Education Programs; Films; Gallery Talks; Guided Tours; Lectures; Temporary Exhibitions; Traveling Exhibitions.
California State University. Fullerton – Art Galleries, cont.
Publications: exhibition catalogues (quarterly).
In all. there are four galleries at CSU Fullerton. The Main Art Gallery in the Visual Arts Center often features presentation of work of emerging and recognized contemporary artists. Since its opening in 1970. 150 exhibitions have been presented with the publication of some 80 catalogues. Integral to the program is the ability to provide space and physical assistance for artists to install environmental and ephemeral and transitory works. The mission of the gallery program is to bring carefully developed exhibitions to the campus. Three galleries exhibit student work. The East and West Galleries are scheduled to showcase the current work of graduate students. The range of work is as broad as the varied disciplines represented in the graduate program. Exhibitions are changed each week in these galleries during the academic year. The Exit Gallery, under the supervision of a committee of undergraduates. showcases the individual and collaborative work of undergraduate students and also is changed on a weekly basis -n order to give students the opportunity to show their current work.
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