Your pool is your ticket to increasing your home’s value, your entertainment capacity and your personal comfort. An unadorned pool can be nice, but a small effort can transform it into an ex-quisite backyard attraction. For a small investment, a few features will make your pool stand out against the backdrop of your entire neighborhood. Have a look at these three ideas for your pool’s enhancement.
1. Solar heating – No method can heat a pool with greater energy efficiency than solar heating. Water is pumped from your pool to rooftop heating vessels on top of your house. From there, heated water is pumped back into your pool. You retain control of the temperature of the water and save major money over the course of the time you own your pool.
2. Blanketing covers – Pools are not actually heated by solar power. Only the water inside them is. Pools stand to lose as much as 10 percent of their internal heat in the hours between sundown and sunup. This heat loss can be prevented with the use of pool blankets. The money saved in energy conservation will more than offset the cost of the blankets.
3. Pool lights Sydney style – With solar-heated water and blanket-protected heat retention, your pool will be inviting you to jump in for a nocturnal swim. With LED lights you do so safely and in style.
A pool alone doesn’t distinguish a backyard as a true outdoor haven. Only features like solar wa-ter heating, pool-covering blankets and lighting for nighttime use will truly set a pool apart from the merely ordinary. Metro Pools and Heating can provide you with the means to set your pool apart. Examine all that Metro has to offer on the web at
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