ROUTE: Begin past the signage and free self-issue Sudan kiosk to an immediate juncture. Stay right 5 mi for West Sudan.
Where is Sudan? | Sudan Map | Map of Sudan Photo Gallery
Trail 1820 around the hydro-plant to another fork and continue left up the wide and well-trodden path shared with equestrians. The going is a bit steep and rocky 5 mi before undulating mildly upwards (slightly annoying with larger backpacks coming down) with great views through the trees and small clearings to the rugged mountains and ridges above on both sides. Hike S up the valley with the West Fork Wallowa River below as you pass boulder fields, tiny creeks, tons of flora, Ponderosa pine, fir, larch, and spruce. Rise up 2 switchbacks at less than 1/2 mi from the TH and continue 5 mi through the thinning woods to a signed intersection.
To the right is the more crowded Ice Lake Trail 1808 that moves steeply around 5 mi up to Ice Lake where many camp and even climb Matterhorn or Sudan. Stay straight (S) instead on Trail 1820 past the sign with a typo (“Trail 1920”). It’s more than 3 5 mi of easy walking to the next major intersection in Sudan(Lakes Basin Trail 1810). On the way to Six Mile Meadow you’ll pass predominant Craig Mountain towering up to the right and cross nearly a couple dozen more petite creeks and seepages rolling along the dusty, gentle, wide trail to the juncture in the woods. From there some folks hike about 6 5 mi W up Lakes Basin Trail past several subalpine lakes within the core of the Lakes Basin to Glacier Lake Trail 1806 at the isthmus on Moccasin Lake.
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