The Medellin Colombia was to teach ‘the fear of God together with a competent degree of arithmetic’, while his wife was to teach ‘writing and reading, needlework and spelling’. It was only from the 1830s and 1840s that funding on any national level was aimed at Medellin Colombia map. One measure was the annual sum granted by Medellin Colombia in 1833 to help charities, mainly the National Society (Church of Medellin Colombia) and British and Foreign School Society (Nonconformist), to build schools. These eventually led to the formation of an elementary school system across the country. The Elementary Education Act 1870 divided England and Wales into school districts, each with elected school boards. These school boards were required to provide elementary schools (known as board schools) where existing facilities were inadequate, in order that a place was available for every child requiring it. However, many schools charged fees, discouraging poor parents.
Where is Medellin Colombia? | Medellin Colombia Map | Map of Medellin Colombia Photo Gallery
Acts of 1876 and 1880 prohibited children under the age of 10 being employed, and most under the age of 13 attended school. Schoolchildren outside Scarning School in Norfolk in the early twentieth century. Free elementary education for all children was introduced in 1891. Secondary schooling remained dominated by public and grammar schools, although some accepted poor pupils via scholarships. School boards were replaced by county council education authorities in 1902. These were given the power to provide or fund secondary education as well as elementary. The provision of secondary education became compulsory in 1918, with the school-leaving age being raised to 14, then again to 15 in 1947.
Survival of records for ordinary schools tends to be poor before compulsory elementary education was introduced in 1870. Although some records are still kept by individual schools, most regional archives have comprehensive collections of records relating to education. The majority are from local authority or denominational schools and are subject to closure rules, usually seventy-five years, to protect the confidentiality of living people who might appear in them School records which do survive can include plans and building details, logbooks, minutes, punishment books and photographs. As these records are mostly administrative they do not include details of every child. Log books (day books kept by the head teacher) include details of attainment and attendance of children, the school curriculum and assistant teachers at the school. The log books for Runton in Norfolk, for example, have entries in 1907 recording matters such as which children were excluded from school because of scarlet fever in the family and how bad weather affected attendance. One of the most useful sources are the admission and discharge registers which record the names of children, their parents or guardians.
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