Cuckoo alright we are getting ready to go, and head to our spotting we got lunch included, and yeah Abby’s getting her hair yeah pairs on please he doesn’t have a sweetener butter here hey okay my phone we’re heading downstairs, and we’re off to a spotty this place is amazing though. I cannot wait to come back to this hotel room, and just hang out. So excited we actually haven’t had a spa day since getting her.
I don’t think. I’ve ever had a spot it ever yeah. We’ve had like massages three massages, and total since arriving in Thailand, and her sorry arriving in Asia.
But today is a full-on back massage foot massage gourmet at its finest we are gonna find some bread hello welcome to mini-mart things message is brought to you by Nescafe it’s not yeah big shout out to my huge sponsor Nescafe for sending me around the world to try Nescafe yes Oh lolli Zoe’s a blast at the mini market signal apiece today’s outfit is brought to you by Nescafe those guys are hassling us trying to sells taxis like the rest of Southeast Asia. So we’re walking towards our villa where we will be doing spa treatment, and it’s called Vilakku boo, and Abby. And I were kindly invited to come test out their spa treatments.
So super excited we also get lunch, and yep come on with us, and well we’ll share the experience with you guys. So if you’re not gonna get touched if you don’t get to be touched unless you touch yourself oh. But don’t do that, and we have just arrived here at Villa kubu hello this is jion jion will be showing us around Villa kubu in wi like a treatment you can’t choose which do you think well maybe maybe after we see both we can decide shall be great sounds great.
So the spas called Venus lovely hello, and this is the spa room setup for couples. So nice it’s actually. So refreshing to be in here – it’s so hot inside beautiful. So nice nice. So cute oh all right this is the restaurant oh it’s so peaceful it’s lovely. So the Oasis okay very nice. And So people rent these villas here, and they stay is it nightly basis or do they rent for a week a month forensics also daily basis you have a very nice long stay okay.
So here’s an example of one of the villas Wow. So this is a standard Villa or is this a luxury villa craniums the bedroom ah Premium two-bedroom get the whole family over can you imagine having your family out here that would be just the best thing ever yeah. So we have students Wow lovely is this the master bedroom yes oh that’s.
So pretty don’t stay here tonight sure thanks banana. Because the Abby. And I will get to experience our spa treatment here at this beautiful villa, and they’re going to set it up outside for us which will be.
So cool as long as we’re in the shade it’s pretty hot today but, and this here is the master bathroom it’s really cool. Because they actually keep it open concept. So you can still feel like you’re outdoors very very luxurious, and it wouldn’t be a villa that a full-size kitchen yeah this will be our place next time yes everywhere now yeah yeah they’ve done well really well with.
So this is definitely an interesting moment in our trip we get an amazing villa, and we got our massages done right inside the courtyard is. So amazing huge thank you to Villa kubu, and we will let you know how it goes Lauren. I changed their mind it’s too hot outside we’re going to have our spa date inside of an actual spa here at Venus thank you choose the more juice was first time choosing we have a menu to select from.
So we’re going to take a look at some of the spa treatments for here. So just got us how many hours we want like what time do you close Lauren. I could be your all-day if you would this is the lot we’re gonna try out a hot rock massage which.
I’ve never had before but I assume it’d be nice they basically take these really smooth stones heat them up, and then use them to apply pressure to the muscles on your body. So if we have simply if we didn’t really like the hot rock massage just to move to a full body massage but.
I think the hot rocks will be nice. So Lauren. I are doing two hours of hot stone treatment here in villekulla, and there’s oz called Venus.
So we have this beautiful room to ourselves, and the ladies will leave Assad against, and everything here is just like incredible to stop just amazing the facility is unbelievable just. I can’t believe. I’m getting this done.
So excited, and thank you. So with every spa treatment you get a free complimentary pair of underwear. So this is what, I’ll be wearing is deeply relaxed about twenty minutes into the hot stone massage that was amazing.
I was. So so relaxing like hands-down the best massage. I’ve ever had in my life yeah she was massaging my hair.
So it’s like all stuck up. But they did hot stone. So they use these flat little soft stones, and they apply pressure to your back your arms your chest, and like in between using hot stones they use like the deep down pressure with your thumb for me.
I prefer the deep tissue massage. So I actually like when they use the hands the most. But the stones are really relaxing.
Because they use the heat, and not just the pressure. So it’s been really cool now we’re going to get some lunch, and enjoy the rest or time here at Vilakku Boop. So just finished our massage.
And We’ve got some tea we’re making our way over to the restaurant that massage was to die for, I’ll never forget this day time to order some lunch if. I ever come back to Bali. I’m definitely coming back here from saw she was actually unreal like the music the staff the ambiance everything about it was just perfect everything smells.
So good in that as well oh my gosh, and everything is actually like like it’s it for such a high-end place it’s seriously a fraction of the price back home like back home that treatment would have been like easily 150 200 ollars maybe here it’s literally a fraction about the Abby. And I just received our Abbi we got nachos, and two really cool juices. I’m gonna trade mine off.
Because it’s so interesting. I got spirulina juice it’s spirulina banana lemon chai seeds, and seasonal fruit.
So I don’t even know what spirulina is. But based on that color. I don’t think, I’ll ever.
I can never say. I’ve had it before let’s try it oh wow it’s really interesting you have to try this oh my gosh. I’m.
So excited beef tenderloin. I haven’t had a good meeting. So long, and chicken quesadillas.
I’m ignore the fact that Abby also has a camera. Because we look ridiculous. But on the bright side there’s no one else in the restaurant.
So we just look ridiculous to each other, and the waitress this meal right here is one of the top easily unless one of the top three. I’ve had since being in Southeast Asia are just. So so good other meal that stands out was one night we went out in Hong Kong with Murphy, and we went to that like really really fancy French fusion restaurant, and we had steak there that was just like melted on your tongue like similar to this Kobe steak there yeah, and then what of the meal that one burger when Abby took me out for my birthday yeah that was it the burger.
So good yeah Southeast Asia food is good it’s very cheap. But it won’t replace western food for me. I love a good steak, and a lot of meat this here is so low a little too excited right now someone just dropped the D word dessert Lauren. I just received our appetizer dessert. So leading up to the entree dessert yeah we are gonna go to the pool after, and we’re gonna rock our bellies.
I’m seriously going to explode. I’m not Lauren’s stomach Amamiya was was trained years for this she’s eating dessert since she was a little child with every meal she got chocolate find out which. I’m gonna need to end up eating half of that, and she’s gonna share the creme brulee with me with Abby.
And I are fighting right now she literally opened up the lava cake, and took all the fudge, and ate it with one bite like he’s not one to flog food. But that was the best meal. I’m.
So full this is bali life ball he’s actually been. So amazing. We’ve Paul’s life ball is life bali is like this has been an untraditional trip for us.
Because normally we do you know the traveling viewing all like the tourist attractions, and less of like the resort glamour type stay, and bali. So far has been just an amazing relaxation stay it’s been. So nice it’s actually like our last stop before we go to japan, and then home.
So japan will probably be more on the sightseeing with a bit of glamour in between we’re staying in nice hotels on the floor with loris older sister, and her boyfriend. So that’ll be really cool to see Japan. But Japan is very expensive.
So thank goodness we have some we’re just we have this villa to hang out in for a little while Lauren are going to go for a swim, and then after that maybe hit the beach tonight. I want to see the sunset from seminyak, and yes it’s been. So awesome thank you.
So much villa kubu for having us the spa that everything is just being is. So amazing the food was to die for, and yeah thank you so much young thank you, and these two backpackers are back to where they belong the streets the villa life is no place for us.
But for a day we got then it was there’s actually. So many stores here along in all of Bali like every single big city has a Billabong a Hurley Quicksilver all these surf shops is really good surfing here in Bali. But there’s also countless knockoff stores you can buy like saline purses Prada purses you can buy.
But like Burberry wallets whatever you need a lot of cheap stuff, and we’re gonna try to cross the busy road. So I gotta pay attention. So I don’t die otherwise it’d be no more blogs to watch, and we are looking for the cheapest wine in the store.
Because that will be the winner winner chicken dinner when 140s are / winner winner chicken dinner sure as 75,000 $7.50 let’s our winner folks the cheapest wine in the store Valencia Hitler Valentino no Valentino not Valencia, and the thing is these purses even though you know if you’re the kind of person that still wants a knockoff there’s still like $300 for one of these ones which is a lot well they claim they’re real leather you don’t really know it could be synthetic leather watch a movie we’re gonna watch a Steve Jobs movie. I think it’s Ashton Kutcher who’s the actor playing Steve Jobs.
I know. I guess we’ll find out.
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