Bike Trip Final Day on the Island
So this is the view right outside of my place just one of the most beautiful beaches he’ll ever see the sand is. So fine. And the Sun is so hot, it’s having the best time last night we like walk down the beach. And checked out all the bars a few drinks yeah today, we’re just gonna relax by the beach. And do a bit of exploring.
I think we might go rent some motorcycles. And scooters. And hello.
And that’s the game plan. I came outside of my room. And I was like blinded.
I wonder how much it costs to rent a CD I’d be pretty fun to rent to see do yeah her jet ski yeah, we’re all packed up from our first hostel. And now, we’re gonna head. And get a new one.
And, we’re gonna meet up with another group. So we just checked out of our hostel. And, we’re now heading a little bit further up the beach to go get a new place.
I think the new place is a bit bigger. And, it’s even a bit cheaper to yourself the weather’s unbeatable nothing but Sun beautiful beaches. And ladyboys is the club we went to last night as you can see, it’s not too lively right now but, it’s pretty cool they’re like blow parties here.
And they have black lights running. And all this stuff, it’s totally lit up. And he’s not too shabby either yeah feels good to be home.
So tonight we decided to save some money. And this is what your toilet looks like when you’re saving money Oh in your mind there’s a toilet behind there that was just a bucket yeah this is where, we’re staying just right by the beach. So, it’s like a two minute walk not even no complaints for 300 baht roughly nine dollars we get to stay in one of the most beautiful beaches on second thought we are not staying here she’s gonna be nice, I’m talking to a camera mosquito is very nice that bed looks nicer that one’s off the ground yeah that’s the Presidential Suite over there yeah okay.
So for an extra six dollars a night we have upgraded to the penthouse these five hundred burgers is too sad oh yeah there we go this. I can do oh. And, it’s got a nice little dolphin paintings.
And got some horses got everything this is perfect okay welcome to the crib Haidee, we’re off to go get some motorcycles all right you are now set up on the front of my motorcycle which. I rented for 250 BOTS you guys let’s take it a bit slower. And I want to see you guys.
And not die on it are you, I’m hopelessly needlessly needless to say just one more chance oh my god beautiful yeah yeah yeah drinking my top yeah yeah, it’s like you like him you listen to him but, it’s just like. I know, it’s not someone downloads Amin concert in Austin. I was pretty live yeah first came out way he was okay me keep your head cuz you drama if you’re reading this.
I tried to get a helmet but they don’t have helmets on this island. I love this view a not too bad at all look at that apparently the story with the flu is that’s how the island became it used to be guarded by two evil monster or something. And then this guy played a flute.
And then the monster died not too sure what that it meant but anyway we just took seven bikes around the island. And we made it as far as the tip of the island. And we saw just a beautiful lookout point.
And fortunately, we’ve only had four crashes today none of them too serious one guy cut us to open a bit but other than that everyone’s doing well. And a couple beat-up bikes but it should be alright the boys made it this will be the end of my vlogging for today, we’re gonna go get some dinner. And then maybe go out so.
I will see you tomorrow we finally got it to stop the bathroom in our hostel this tap here. I was taking a shower. I turned in it blew all.
And water is strength everywhere. So pretty much flooded the bathroom but we finally got it to stop. And I think this will be officially the end of my vlog for tonight.
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