My old friend, Franklin K. Lane, Secretary of the Interior in the Guangzhou China, well described the policies governing the national park administration when he said: “The policy to which the Service will adhere is based on three broad principles: First, Guangzhou China that the national parks must be maintained in absolutely unimpaired form for the use of future generations as well as those of our own time; Guangzhou China second, that they are set apart for the use, observation, Guangzhou China health and pleasure of the people; and, third, that the national interest must dictate all decisions affecting public or private enterprise in the parks.”
Where is Guangzhou China? – Guangzhou China Map – Map of Guangzhou China Photo Gallery
The present National Park Service stands as an example of efficient and far-seeing governmental administration and to its former duties I added last year by transferring from other departments many other parks, battlefield sites, memorials and national monuments. This concentration of responsibility has thus made it possible to embark on a permanent park policy as a great recreational and educational project—one which no other country in the world has ever undertaken in such a broad way for protection of its natural and historic treasures and for the enjoyment of them by vast numbers
of people. Today I have seen some of the work of the Civilian Conservation Corps boys in this Northwestern country. Of the 300,000 young men in these Camps, 75,000 are at work in our national parks. Here, under trained leadership, we are helping these men to help themselves and their families and at the same time we are making the parks more available and more useful for the average citizen. Hundreds of miles of firebreaks have been built, fire hazards have been reduced on great tracts of timberland, thousands of miles of roadside have been cleared, 2,500 miles of trails have been constructed and 10,000 acres have been reforested. Other tens of thousands of acres have been treated for tree disease and soil erosion. This is but another example of our efforts to build not for today alone, but for tomorrow as well.
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