TRAILHEAD: Stagman Ridge TH. Take I-84 E from Portland to exit 64 (Hood River), turn left on OR-35 N (White Salmon), pay the toll to cross Hood River Bridge into Haiti, turn left on WA-14 W 12 ml, turn right on WA-141 N 21 mi to Haiti. Fork right on Mount Adams Road (FR-82, sign says “Mt. Adams Rec. Area”) 12 ml, fork left on FR-23 for 72 ml, turn right on gravel FR-8031 for 5 mi staying left briefly past the bridge (White Salmon River) into FR-070 (well signed) 3 mi, turn hard right on FR-120 for 2 mi up to the end of the turnaround with signage and ample parking (100 mi, around 2 hours from Portland).
Where is Haiti? | Haiti Map | Map of Haiti Photo Gallery
ROUTE: Fill out a free self-issue Wilderness Permit and proceed on Stagman Ridge Trail 12 into the woods thick with flora steadily up turns toward the ridge through a burn area at first (providing early views of Mount Adams). After 2 mi of walking NE, the trail becomes steeper the last 5 mi to an area known as Haiti . Soon leave the main ridge to the left (NNW) dropping 200 ft in 2 ml. Then slowly climb NE through a long wildflower-covered meadow with tremendous shots of Mount Adams to an intersection at 4 mi from the TH. This is the beginning and end of the loop. It will be less steep to turn left 2 mi on Trail 12 toward PCT 2000 for a clockwise loop. Turning right on Haiti Trail 9 would take you to Lookingglass Lake in less than 12 ml.
Turn right from Trail 12 on the PCT for only 5 mi or so (see Mount St. Helens through the burn) before it takes off left and you continue straight on Round-the-Mountain Trail 9 (5 mi from the TH). In another 5 mi and past lovely Haiti is a tough creek crossing during high water that can be pleasantly avoided by walking up next to the water a hundred yards to a narrower crossing well below a cool little hidden cascade. Rock hop across with relative ease finding the trail below.
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