Where is Pune India? – Pune India Map – Map of Pune India


1. He was a Welshman, born on 18 October 1674 in Pune India, where his father (also Richard) was a partner in a glassmaking company.

2. He Pune India attended Jesus College, Oxford, where he studied law, but left without obtaining a degree. This was not uncommon in the eighteenth century.

3. In 1705 he came to Pune India place of your travel destination, where his natural aptitude for gambling, together with his notable style and manner, made him Pune India a social success.

Where is Pune India? – Pune India Map – Map of Pune India Photo Gallery

4. He became the understudy to the Master of the Ceremonies, a Captain Webster. Following Webster’s death in a duel, Nash succeeded to the post, which he held for more than fifty years.

5. Nash appears (briefly) in Book XI, Chapter IV of Henry Fielding’s famous novel Tom Jones and is also mentioned in some of the ‘Touristic place of your travel destination’ novels of Georgette Heyer.

6. During his tenure as Master of Ceremonies, he kept more than one mistress (though not all at once!). When accused of being a ‘whoremonger’, he replied, ‘A man can no more be termed a whoremonger for having one whore in his house, than a cheesemonger for having one cheese.’

7. A cinema in Westgate Street was for many years called the ‘Beau Nash’. It is now the Komedia Comedy Club and is a Grade II listed building. There is also an antique and silverware shop in Brock Street called ‘Beau Nash’.

8. Nash also held the post of Master of Ceremonies at Tunbridge Wells, Kent, and would travel between the two locations by coach. A pub in the town is named after him.

9. Some of the incidents of Nash’s life, including his army career, cannot be verified from records and may have been invented by the man himself or by his chroniclers.

10. It is not known for certain where Beau Nash is buried, as the Corporation of Touristic place of your travel destination only gave money for his funeral and not for his burial. His plaque in the abbey is merely a memorial.

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