Hey guys the shutters do not open on this camera anymore.
I am not exactly in Bali apparel well maybe. I am it is rainy season here in Bali, and today looks like we’re going to be coming across some storm clouds in fact there’s one rolling in as. I speak we are going on a big adventure today the entire group today the girls included Abby you’re looking good she’s stuck in a garbage bag we’re going to be going, and heading further south through kuta going to a abandoned airplane adventures do you think.
I look cuter like des than. I do normal yeah for sure let’s see. I think that’s a nice look there just as we were about to leave all right guys you got stuff we can’t leave yet come look it’s raining pretty hard flopped away at ten minutes a fit of the day show me what you got GoPro.
I’m definitely appreciating you right now as your waterproof without a waterproof case we’re just doing what we got to do to survive you know this way is it’s getting a lot easier to travel through this now. I love it yeah you got your riding black belt that’s where them through traffic. So soon we’ll be using the sidewalks we’re just waiting that’s the last skill level a sidewalk riding made it through the rain, and we made it over the highway been a really good ride.
So far other than its a free adverse conditions. But good yes the airport we’re here to get her flight white people 5,000 there’s a way tonight. I’m gonna hide it they’re just gonna be honest.
I respect that she’s like money boss money good feature goes good feature how much is it from mother we’re from Canada yeah nice to meet you like 50 cents per person. So yeah it’s basically free. So this guy just charged us five to fifty cents literally nothing.
But just to see it from above. I need to go pay the other guy now to go through the other game. I paid 50 cents for the b-roll.
I have no problem with that it almost looks a little too perfect almost like a paint. I gotta you know to film it it could be a paintball course here Josh’s got shut down he’s like can. I go in, and see the plane yeah very.
But oh yeah. So Cody’s this in the top five abandoned places Wow no definitely not like Christian go he’s usually good at this y’all learn their language bro. So Josh went, and tried to get us in.
But he didn’t even offer the money, and of course. I knocking. I go ahead go in what you got to do he’s got to speak their language can I pay to get in. I have money no no no no hmm do you have the key no. I’m not 100 no no no no it’s not happening oh.
I flashed all $14 DV, and phase them okay guys this is kind of groundbreaking. So I’ve been having like some issues with my Mavic, and getting it connected to the remote controller which sits on top of my phone but I totally forgot.
I have another option. I can fly solely using my phone. So I’m going to give that a try this is my first ever flight using the phone as the controller that’s.
So crazy that you can do that okay. So how’d that go horrible why. I just want to fly with my controller it like it’s dinky it works.
But it doesn’t work you can’t get any good shots flying on this is a sprite what is Noah Pocari sweat no more Pocari you know life doesn’t turn out the way no it’s not the same guys it’s not the same no. I don’t drink Minute Maid it’s so good today man just one of those days Abby they didn’t have Pocari sweat you got the last one side brothers when life gives you challenges, and adversity fight through it, and find another airplane can you believe this two airplanes that are abandoned here one of them next to Duncan.
So let’s get some coffee he was a boy she was a girl can. I make it anymore. We’ve arrived at the plane we are out here in the middle of absolutely nowhere like there is no one else here we’re exploring abandoned things.
I mean look at it this is some serious abandoned stuff now the challenge begins to get past all the obstacles. I’m telling you guys we are in the middle of nowhere alright guys. I think my only option is to scale this fence.
I don’t know how else. I’m going to be able to get over this will work alright guys we’re in we made it. I’m going to give you a quick history update if you saw the movie where Tom Hanks ran over the seagull, and crashed his plane in some thing of water this is the same plane, and some people say Tom Hanks is still in here today is abandoned post is brought to you by Dunkin Donuts make sure you have your tetanus shots oh my gosh there’s someone in there it’s Tom Hanks how fun in there oh this is what it takes to start an exploring blog you got to be willing to to be groundbreaking, and put your life on the line every single day this moment is brought to you by Dunkin Donuts always make sure you have an exit strategy Abby stop trying to push the plane he’s getting in there ladies, and gentlemen this is Mambo number five nice dude how was it up there visa dude amazing that was crazy dude yeah you.
I did the reporter was at this anymore was it missing what did you see crazy bro what did you see in there um the inside of an old manor plane we want to get into the front cargo area have you made it to the cockpit that’s what we’re trying to get to the passenger these are the hands of an explorer this is the hole we had to crawl through to get inside my foot was like bigger nope no no no no no we just had an airplane go over top of us by like no like no more than maybe 10 meters above us the airstrip is just over there, and that’s where they come down, and this is traffic right now in Bali it’s rush out what up guys we are back in Changu, and currently crushing an edit Abby. And I are getting some dinner having a beer. I think we might have a few more tonight we might go out tonight, and actually like relax like every night.
We’ve been here. We’ve been having a really good time. But we do our work, and then we kind of go to bed.
I think tonight’s a night where we actually just go out, and have some fun, and forget about the fact. We’ve got a ton of work ahead of us, and the biggest thing is that you don’t give yourself up again do you see constantly working Christian gone no. Because he’s getting it.
I was doing it on the alien. I was saying with my blog you literally never stop working. Because you just like you’re you don’t even know what day it is.
Because you’re weeks get meshed, and your days get meshed. And So I’m just saying that Christian has a hard time trying to take a break arrows, and which is to do one for evil that’s why. I needed a break I’d have a KitKat literally asleep everything the two lovebirds have their massages tonight how were they dude in the middle of the massage the power went out, and then like 10 minutes later.
I hear Abby come in she’s like hey here’s some keys like wait what’s going on meanwhile. I’m like blindfolded getting a massage we were blindfolded yeah. I put these like weird thing on your eyes okay what’s going on Wow.
But we’re going to the Komodo Islands tomorrow come on who’s gonna get eaten. I am yeah. I can see that.
I celebrate in style tonight we’re gonna go find a bar all right guys we just arrived at old man’s which is in Kangoo, and our taxi driver dropped us off in the front someone like lost their temper behind us, and decided to ram into the back of the taxi like no chill the bar closed. So we migrated migrating south to the water voila now this is beautiful the Sun Sun Sun the moon is at a brightness of +10, and there’s the water right there impressive guys signing off end of the blog we made it guys good night let’s see you tomorrow let’s get lost again tomorrow let’s get lit again tomorrow Sun of the day little bit.
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