Hey guys we are currently standing on the side of the road waiting for our bus we’re going to a place that you have never been before, and probably never heard of, and my little brother has joined us welcome to the blog Liam God came all the way from Canada.
I’m gonna be travelling with us for like the next 10 days even a little bit more another bus. So this is our life for like the next 4 5 hours that wasn’t. So bad here we are very cool liam is on that car right there you can see here this rooms not really meant for a third bed.
But they’re very generously allowing us to do that, and what’s in here the bathroom that is Panang curry banana shake steamed rice not bad not bad we have just arrived here at the river, and through our hotel we actually set up a little canoeing trip. I couldn’t call it a canoe. I call it more of like a wrap.
So we’re going to be going down the river exploring khao sok national park fret nice shirt where did you get it oh you know loss loss here okay Liam she gets grumpy when she’s in a kayak khao sok national park is one of the hidden treasures of thailand very few people thing to come here it’s in the Surat Thani province. So we had to go north of Phuket to get here. But it was.
So easy to get here, and it really wasn’t that expensive about 200 baht per person taking the bus hang on tight guys hang on tight Oh Oh crikey it’s an adrenaline junkies dream khao sok national park. So this here you can hear the noise it sounds like someone left their car alarm on that is a secada it’s a little tiny bug that vibrates his wings or rub them together, and it creates that annoying noise hey why would you you harpoon yeah oh nice one guy has goggles on has a flashlight obviously attract the fish or maybe it just helps him see them, and then he harpoons it, and then he passes it off to his friend yeah the Beehive the massive one alright guys Bear Grylls here careful we’re going down the rapids. I see a family of monkeys up ahead hopefully we can catch them in time.
I’m going to switch the line’. So I can show you there’s no Chris you got careful it could have Brady oh my god monkey oh it does feel like a Disneyland ride oh my gosh living them WW monkey wwm whoa he’s small. But he’s angry oh my gosh this monkey right now is probably no more than two feet away look at the baby face only a mother could love ohh oh my gosh it’s on the boat it’s on the power no eye dropper you feeding me buck Oh this is.
So interesting we’re on the livestream 137 people reading this monkey. So right down there is a big old catfish that’s a snake up in that tree there is a Leviathan a serpent Lucifer it wasn’t, and all the while this right there is the backdrop just like this is such a picturesque Lake make catfish monkeys the noise of the Socata. I really feel like we are in the Tioga what Abby.
I came in like a wrecking ball mmm how about driver left Wow can. I hold look at this drug looking he’s upside down keep that in mind. I designed this rhyme to remind myself how.
I decided the way you were mocking me, and from clear me back to shore it’s actually kind of interesting he looks like he’s just floating like he’s very lazy this is the artist bottom you’re setting up the drone. So right now we’re stopped under another tree. Because we see our third snake of this little Safari like this has been.
So much fun. I just flew my drone, and like a full family of monkeys we’re going crazy they’re like growling at it they’re like, and now they’re all reading. Because I just landed.
And I can see about five monkeys staring over here being like what the heck was that didn’t like it man made me this vine crown which is. So nice let’s. I appreciate to step up this game don’t bring your girlfriend around here the men of kawasaki Giacomo’s game.
So how was it something engine fully uncle Python yeah lots of space just felt like a really authentic experience like you know you didn’t feel like you were on a ride at the same time it felt like being at a Disneyland ride. Because we saw. So many incredible animals, and it just felt like yeah again just floating down the river, and adventuring.
So that was really great nice crown there thank you we can fashionable a boyfriend made it for me not you know big announcement today guys. I have been working with my favorite graphic designer of all time she designed the lost logo, and now together Carly. And I have released our newest addition to the lost merch store wha-bam the dream is free.
But the Hustle is sold separately this is just the first of our collab, and this shirt has now just gone live in the lost merch store, I’ll link it down below if you’re interested in checking it out they’re actually super high quality cotton. So check them out show some love, and if you want some free loss stickers check out the website. So we are seeing that rain forest in action right now it is downpour, and just a second ago it was nice you never know how the weather is going to pan out.
But we’re lucky to have gotten in our tour while we did the weather was beautiful there’s an elephant on the side of the road oh how does the tiny one yeah. I do that sort of doing service backed up all the way today, and we’re back this is such a peaceful resort this excited we’re going to do some work maybe it’s to dinner let’s go. I highly recommend if you original tile, and you need to come the co stock this is like the highlight.
So far, and it’s just a hair day, and it’s a resort here royal cliff is like. So beautifully placed among these mountains. So serene you’re coming to Cal Sauk National Park stay here the food is.
So good, and just like that the environment the nature everything is just. So beautiful right now there’s a nice mist rolling in over the hills so. We’ve been out here doing some work for like the past four or five hours, and tomorrow is going to be a huge day we’ll show you why we actually came to Cal Sauk National Park, and today literally blew expectations out of the water.
So I’m excited to see what tomorrow has in store until then leave the post a big thumbs up, and let’s get lost again tomorrow.
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