Oh my gosh how does your post keep uploading she’s stealing all the bandwidth good morning guys it is Dave one in Quran we’re heading kayaking now with Heidi, and Jackson apparently today’s kayak is going to be eight kilometers there, and eight back which is like by far the most. I’ve ever kayak this is my kind of tricycle here lore doesn’t like kayaking.
But apparently the destination will make it all worth it morning guys. So today we were supposed to run to these they only have one. So no way to go somewhere else you’re doing repairs underneath this tricycle you’re very brave, and boom goes the dynamite.
Map of Coron Photo Gallery
So the place that normally rent out kayaks doesn’t have enough kayaks for us, and this has led to the biggest for lack of a better word shitstorm of annoying this main you’ve to go to this place, and then this place, and we finally get to a place where they’re apparently selling kayaks, and the shop owner is nowhere to be found. So apparently the person that was sitting right there is the shop owner. So he’s been here the whole time as we’re like looking around waiting for someone he’s just reading a CD, and then we finally start talking about the kayak, and okay hold on let me go ask, and now he’s gone all right.
So change of plans to the better here’s the ride for the day ready for some off-roading yeah baby got a nice off-roading by cutting clean Oh we’re getting lost you go yeah. But also the road actually. So rough a guy Lourdes button we’re like oh no it’s fine let’s be gone on Sunday rough road.
But don’t this Oh we are dancing with fire or should. I say dancing with rain good look at this just over that mountain is like the darkest rain cloud. I’ve ever seen, and we’re going towards it.
So that should be interesting lead the way they’re gonna be soaked see you later guys you good look at how incredible that mountain range what’s that for one of my top recommendation. So cool, and there’s not many people here either there’s like routine a few tourists. But not nearly as busy as El Nido well we might like it going this is incredible it’s like it’s a New Zealand, and assic.
I had a baby it’s beautiful they’re getting a shot on the drone right now of them driving away now. I need love me what is up everyone back with another horrible case we’re trying to live by what Christians blog name is we are getting lost around to share with us releases right that yes holy moly for me hold on to your knickers there are no signs here guys like this is straight up get lucky like maybe private property get lost literally have the entire beach to ourselves there is no one else other than a couple straggler locals this is called Marcy Leah Beach, and most people probably won’t go here, and they go to Quran. Because of the road we just took the road was pretty pretty sketchy if you guys are coming to Quran definitely try to make to the speech there’s.
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