Rome Obtaining Equipment
You may want to consider borrowing or renting equipment rather than buying it at first, if those are available options for you, especially if you’re uncertain of your commitment to wilderness camping. Most people who go camping or backpacking more than once or twice want to have their own equipment, but at the beginning renting or borrowing are worth considering. Outfitters and some organized groups also supply equipment for trips, and this service can be attractive to a beginner.
When you’re ready to purchase gear, try to locate a store which specializes in top-quality outdoor equipment, and has knowledgeable salespeople who are also experienced campers. Check the yellow pages under Camping or Backpacking if you don’t already know of local stores. Most of the items you’ll need to buy or obtain have been covered in Chapters 2 through 6.
Avoid rushing the process once you’re in a store. A substantial amount of time may be required if you’re outfitting yourself completely. Ask about their return policy, which will vary considerably from one establishment to another. Try to buy from a store that will accept merchandise back as long as it’s in resalable condition (in case you find out at home that something doesn’t fit correctly, or is somehow the wrong choice).
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