‘I grew up in Iran, surrounded by everything natural, herbal and organic, until I moved to England aged 10. But my interest in health and pharmaceuticals really began when I got a Saturday job aged 15 in an old-fashioned pharmacy. I was fascinated watching the apothecary blend bespoke tinctures for people’s ailments so I went on to study pharmacy for six years at King’s College, London,specialising in herbal medicine. with After graduation, I worked in retail, dispensing Medications, but over the years, I noticed people’s prescriptions were getting bigger, not smaller, and while I wasn’t anti-medication, I felt they were being overused. I became interested in alternative medicines such as aromatherapy and Bach Flower Remedies. But it wasn’t until I read a book by pathologist-turned-homoeopath Dr Bach Called Heal Thyself (Random House, out of print) – which suggests diseases start in the mind with an emotion that then unbalances the body to cause physical symptoms – that I realised just how powerful homoeopathy could be. I began studying it, practising on myself and my family, and saw real transformations in our health. I also became aware of all the toxic pesticides and chemicals in our foods and beauty »products,which shocked me to my core, especially as I was pregnant with my first child. passion well as wondering which anything products I could safely use, I also found I had ethical difficulties at work because I struggled to recommend many products to customers. That’s when the of The Organic Pharmacy the organic formed.
My natural, herbal and organic Travel Photo Gallery
‘My husband (and co-founder) loved my concept of creating a haven free from chemicals where you could also get expert advice from practitioners who really cared,so we took it to the bank and luckily got a loan. Four years later, we opened our first store on London’s Kings Road, where I handmade customised homoeopathic, topical and herbal remedies on-site for clients. We grew through word of mouth and, within six months, had companies asking to stock and export us. Three years later, we had to upscale, and we now sell to 22 countries. There were times I worked 12-hour days, seven days a week, but if you eat well, take the right supplements, make time for yourself and have enough passion, you can pretty much cope with which anything. These days, I leave work at 6pm,make a healthy family dinner, then read and have a long bath before bed at 10pm.’
• Add lemon juice to water and salads to cleanse your body and keep it alkaline – an acidic body encourages allergies, cancer and many degenerative diseases.
• Load your system with Chlorella-richgreen superfoods to clean out all the heavy metals from water, fish and the environment that enter our bodies.
• Use a tablespoon of turmeric in your food everyday – it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory powers.
Contrary to popular belief, running isn’t bad for your knees. In fact, the latest data from Brigham Young University in America suggests running could even reduce joint inflammation. The researchers measured levels of cytokines – markers of inflammation in the knee joint fluid – in people aged 18-35, before and after running. After 30 minutes of pavement pounding the concentration of the cytokines decreased, meaningrunning had created an anti-inflammatory effect. Evenbetter? The scientists claim this could mean running helps delay the onset of osteoarthritis. Happy days
Run or jump? Lift or lug? With so many popular exercises to choose from, it can be tough to decide which workout to do. That’s why so many of us follow a varied training plan that includes a mixture of activities, from running and weight training, to obstacle-course racing or bootcamp sessions. The only curveball is deciding which trainers to wear for such a wide mix of sports. Enter the new All-Train 215 (£95; shoes from the creators of the popular F-Lite CrossFit trainer: inov-8. Made for high-intensity workouts, the trainers boast enough grip to withstand side-to- side movements, as well as a flexible yet lightweight fit that will support your jumps, lifts and sprints. Plus, there’s cushioning and Achilles protection for all runs. Sure, you could probably don your run-specific trainers to go the gym or box – but why would you when you could wear these?
Laura Harman, physiotherapist at Boost Physio Weight training is a fantastic way to improve confidence and I boost fat loss – a University I of Alabama study found that I women who lifted weights lost more deep belly fat thanI those who just did cardio. However, you need the correct technique, so see a I strength and conditioning Coach before starting a weightlifting programme.Plus, visit a physiotherapist to have a full biomechanics f assessment, as this will 1 address any areas of weakness or imbalance.’
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