The following sites recapture the culture of the 1960s and are popular among tourists:
• Haight-Ashbury, in San Francisco, was the epicenter for the hippy subculture in the late 1960s. Many buildings in the district, such as The Red Victorian hotel, retain their facades from the era.
• The Haight-Ashbury Street Fair is held on the second Sunday of June each year and attracts thousands of people. Five blocks of Haight Street are closed to vehicular traffic, and a sound stage is set up at each end.
• The 1969 Woodstock Music and Art Fair festival took place on a portion of Max Yasgur’s Dairy Farm in Bethel, New York. Bethel and the nearby city of Woodstock are popular tourist destinations.
• The Museum at Bethel Woods Center for the Arts (www.bethelwoodscenter.org) is designed to preserve the historic site and presents the story of Woodstock and the 1960s era.
51.1 Presidential Libraries
A network of 13 presidential libraries is administered by the Office of Presidential Libraries (www.archives.gov/presidential-libraries), part of the National Archives and Records Administration. Additionally, some libraries which maintain records of past presidents are administered by states, like the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum in Springfield, Illinois. These libraries serve as repositories for preserving and making available the papers, records, collections and other historical materials of past presidents.
Nostalgic Sites in USA Photo Gallery
Presidential Libraries are as follows:
• John Quincy Adams: Stone Library at Adams National Historical Park (Quincy, MA; www.nps.gov/adam/historyculture/collections.htm)
• Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum (Springfield, IL; www.alplm.org)
• Ulysses S. Grant Presidential Library, (Starkville, MI: www.usgrantlibrary.org)
• Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center (Fremont, OH; www.rbhayes.org)
• William McKinley Presidential Library and Museum (Canton, OH; www.mckinleymuseum.org)
• Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library (Staunton, VA; www.woodrowwilson.org)
• Calvin Coolidge Presidential Library and Museum (Northampton, MA; www.forbeslibrary.org/coolidge/coolidge.shtml)
• Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum (West Branch, IA; www.hoover.archives.gov)
• Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum (Hyde Park, NY; www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu)
• Harry S. Truman Presidential Library & Museum (Independence, MO; www.trumanlibrary.org)
• Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library (Abilene, KS; www.eisenhower.archives.gov)
• John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum (Dorchester, MA; www.jfklibrary.org)
• LBJ Presidential Library (Austin, TX; www.lbjlibrary.org)
• Nixon Presidential Library & Museum (Yorba Linda, CA; www.nixonlibrary.gov)
• Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library (Ann Arbor, MI; www.ford.utexas.edu)
• Jimmy Carter Library & Museum (Atlanta, GA; www.jimmycarterlibrary.gov)
• Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Library (Simi Valley, CA; www.reaganfoundation.org)
• George Bush Presidential Library and Museum (College Station, TX; http://bushlibrary.tamu.edu)
• Clinton Presidential Center (Little Rock, AR; www.clintonpresidentialcenter.org)
• George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum (University Park, TX; www.georgewbushlibrary.smu.edu)
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