Love reading Brides? WeLL, this spring your favourite bridaL magazine is back With a Wedding shoW Like no other
You’ve devoured the magazine, spent eachevening on our website and religiously follow Brides’ Twitter and Facebook pagesBut nothing compares to joining us live forthe experience of our fabulous show.
The SHOW IS BACK! Photo Gallery

Aferthe huge success of our frst event – with 130 luxury suppliers on display, 5,500 brides-to-be in attendance and 3,500 glasses of champagne sipped – we’re inviting you to join us again this spring. On 22 & 23 March 2014, you’ll see the dresses from our gorgeous shoots up closesmell those beautiful fowers, and sample delicious canapés and champagnes, as wellas meet the team that creates the UK’s No.1 bridal magazine.
What are you waiting for? Get your tickets now!Secure a fronT-row SeaT To See The laTeST collecTionS from Top uK and inTernaTional bridal deSignerS. STyled by bryony Toogood, brides faShion direcTor, The Spring Show promiSeS To be even more magicalyou’ll TaKe away more Than JuST inSpiraTion from brides The Show – you can alSo Shop from 130 luXury and bouTiQue SupplierS including ian STuarT, harrieT wilde, SaSSi holford, STephanie allin and gillian millionWhether fresh and natural or ultra-glam, get your perfect big-day style sorted with the help of our pro make-up artists. Gorgeous!beauty studio.
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