I’ve gotta be there we are checking out a Midland hostel s house that’s also known of Romania going to the coast to check out Romanians beautiful beaches come on out we just got here with the tourist tax we get our taxes like alright then lay it like the meter says five is like you’re a tourist you have to pay excellent Bucharest is actually the only place.
We’ve had some. And I say issues with cabs. I mean like they’re trying to make an extra nickel, and dimed here, and there.
But it’s no big deal we have two hours on this users bike check this out like today hardwood flooring. We’ve arrived in Constanta it’s time to get some food. I’m super hungry orange is the best time.
I think Slick Rick over here is quite drunk maybe we should avoid this cab honestly. I can’t do anything in the situation like we asked for the meter we got the meter. But the meter was running like a racecar like it went up.
So fast. I don’t know it must be rigged. But anyways.
I mean it’s not worth arguing over five ten dollars like all right let’s cut out these taxi drivers from our lives how are y’all doing guys nice, and snug in the elevators all out there. So we can pick up a car, and apparently the guy who rents out the cars he’s currently gone somewhere the front desk called him he should be back in 15 minutes check it out this is Constanta just having lunch up here while we wait for the guy to get back to work. So that we can rent a car.
So that we can get out of Constanta get a free loader right there my meal got your uh your vegetables which is good good to keep a whole balanced diet how was your tomato really nice never until this isn’t one testing testing this is. So creepy take us back on doing do it. I still go to zero good one good one not here yeah creepy.
I don’t want to be down here this building is. So scary thank you do the Dracula for me what is the elevator not working not this person lutton’s. I don’t want to go in there it’s like go up one level in the stairs yeah there is this creepy whoa.
I don’t want to be down here what this is the stairs watch he trapped it would finally trapped down here this is. So creepy the elevator went down to floor we didn’t tell its you, and like it won’t turn back on the elevator is stopped, and we’re in the like this scary house Soviet communist yeah hotel don’t go without me. So working look at look at the elevator it’s like it’s freaking out.
I’ve got it even scared look at the elevator look at that what’s those exit. So what was over there wait what’s in here this is exit exit this has to be a joke okay she took all all the guy in the elevator one people Becca yeah those are the stairs that’s that says exit right thing where’s the stairs right you sure this is this year it says exit it’s just well still better working well, and that long that someone’s got to call it up Marcus Chaz Lynnae this is a mess that were literally stuck in the basement of the scary Soviet Hotel no this is not what. I wanted are you kidding me the elevator started working, and they left me.
I’m so scared right now this has to be a joke there’s a reason my blog is not about exploring haunted things. I don’t do well with this stuff why don’t you put some post hey.
We’ve been hitting buttons randomly yeah. I don’t know if it’s only three or four three works okay we’ll just get us out of here. So weird.
So weird like the exit that. I was like a movie like being stuck in a basement the only thing missing was the axe murder such a pleasant rental experience with hurts Romania. I like cool things done, and then oh wow Eastern European chick maybe tip very nice dress it’s not only the performance for luxury map light standard we just have to come all the way back here which is not ideal.
But brand-new car were the first drivers in the Skoda Skoda is an Eastern European car brand known for its sex appeal right over here is like basically wheat fields, and corn, and on this side is beautiful ocean it’s so beautiful it’s like the prairies meets the ocean the Sun is setting the temperature is perfect this is the side of Romania that. I’m looking forward to tomorrow alright guys.
So this is the first time. I’ve tried flying the drone since the incident if you didn’t see the blog. I was caught in a massive storm lightning thunder explosions, and moisture got in the bag, and it seems to have killed a couple of the batteries.
I don’t think it works such a piss off it gives it a little power, and then it is kaput Singh at ease. I got it to start the other day. So I don’t know why it’s not working please just nothing nothing nothing it is such a beautiful night Roback there’s not a few people a few a few too many yeah wobble pops a couple brouhaha that guy is so drunk this is a very interesting place it’s really busy it feels like very like hippy yeah there’s like all these hippy beggars they’re probably selling drugs a lot of them. But like there’s such a unique vibe about this place their street buskers there’s food there’s drinks, and a beautiful beach back there one of the beggars on the side had to sign them like there’s three them together. And I couldn’t read it.
So I asked Oh what does it say it says one lay, and then it’s a bunch stuff apparently she shows you her tits for one lay sign this this one guy came rolling through the car. So drunk like just like not even looking at the road like the clouds do not look real looks like it’s painted on you guys Abby just finished her marathon hey yay how’d it go. I’m good – 2 hours, and 30 minutes that’s really good just gone off FaceTime with Abby, and she killed the half marathon she did 21 kilometers or it’s 21 to 22 21 kilometers in two, and a half hours, and that’s with her training for like a week Abby’s always been extremely athletic.
But just unbelievable. I’m very proud of her we’re gonna try to find somewhere to stay tonight. Because like right now we’re looking at Plan B which is sleeping in a car that wouldn’t be very comfortable very spacious, and roomy Mikoto yeah this goes this color definitely doubles as an RV.
But a little cold Pro t-shirt. So we’re going back to the car right now chances of sleeping in the Skoda about 90% chance sign we just found out it’s a long weekend here in Romania. And So of course beach destinations like Varna Vichy are going to be totally booked everything there’s apparently one place that might have a chance of having room for us, and that is essentially a tent well there she is those home.
I’m going to bed home tonight get in bed there’s no roof of your mouth nothing’s in the back Mack here we’re doing in there well now you’re good where’s the bed tight well. But you know. I’m fine, I’ll be okay the seat back oh yeah that’s better Oh sleeps up to three all right we braved the cold, and we have left the car we’re back here in city centre of Varna beaching fan of aqui.
We’ve done a full simulation of what sleeping will be like tonight it’s actually very comfy mats living like a king in the backseat sign. And I have strategically placed the luggage. So that.
We’ve got full sprawling room it’s going to be good we might even do two nights in it what hello welcome to the blog what’s your name my name is Francesca. And I want alcohol good luck Francesco Ryland. I mean your nap bring the ball the people that were here earlier today like begging for money have gone to another level like they’re all just burning out from their drugs or their alcohol whatever the heck they’re on, and like.
I’ve seen like six or seven people just like gone like passed out on the pavement. I saw one guy like look like he’s about to tip over. But he was the middle of pissing on a car like facing me it’s quite the sight a lot of good people reading here.
I can tell you that much the boys were home everyone get cozy Matt tuck yourself in back there it’s time to go to bed. Because tomorrow morning we have to go get it pretty early swap the car, and then we’re coming right back here. So until tomorrow guys let’s get lost again tomorrow of the day.
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