Alliance Franpaise, Ecole Internationale de Langue et de Civilisation Frangaise, 101 bd. Raspail, 75270 Paris Cedex 06 (® 01 42 84 90 00; www.alliancefr.org). Instruction at all levels, with courses in legal and business French. Courses are 1-4 months in length. ‚267 for 16 2hr. sessions; ‚534 for 16 4hr. sessions.
Cours de Civilisation Franpaise de la Sorbonne, 47 r. des Ecoles, 75005 Paris (301 40 46 22 11; www.fle.fr/sorbonne). Courses in the French language at all levels, along with a comprehensive lecture program of French cultural studies taught by Sorbonne professors. Must be at least 18 and at baccalaureat level. Semester- and year-long courses during the academic year and 4-, 6-, 8-, and 11-week summer programs. Institut de Langue Franpaise, 3 av. Bertie-Albrecht, 75008 Paris (®01 45 63 24 00; www.inst-langue-fr.com). Culture, literature, and specialized language courses. Offers 4- weekto year-long programs, 6-20hr. per week. From ‚185.
AOF, Amager, 21 Lyongate, 2300 Copenhagen S (®32 86 03 04 or 39 16 82 00). Non- Danes over 18 years of age living in Denmark are eligible for free language instruction. Also provides educational and vocational advisors to help navigate Danish employment requirements and opportunities.
K.I.S.S., 2 Norrebrogade, 2200 Copenhagen N (®35 36 25 55). A super-efficient school that places emphasis on spoken communication and pronunciation. 3-week courses cov ering 10 levels of proficiency, and an 11th level culminating in the Danish Test 2 fluency exam. Instruction is free for non-native residents, but there is a waiting list.
H.O.F., 26 K0bmagergade, 1150 Copenhagen K (®33 11 88 33). Privately-run school offering morning, afternoon, and evening classes 2-3 times per week. 30 2-3hr. classes cost 775kr; basic instruction takes approximately 2 months and costs 1600kr.
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