Morning you guys someone’s knocking on the front door who could it be oh it’s the delivery boy picardy wow that sounds fun better be careful though fragile. I assured you love getting fragile mail just playing a little prank on y’all. I’ve already opened up the box, and Bacardi is sending Abby.
And I up to Pemberton for the music festival. So we’re gonna be going there in like 20 minutes. But first let me show you a Bacardi sent us boom Bacardi two bottles once knocked it over that’s why there was a fragile thing on it damn Daniel it doesn’t sound like it’s like more like Dom Daniel got sneaker cleaner.
So apparently this will keep my white bands clean throughout the festival don’t believe it. But we’ll see then this is like a battery charger this is from go scope. So I’ve got like this massive selfie pole just receive this from the San martín.
So their lens filters for my drone it’s too bright outside the drone can’t cope with the massive amounts of light. So you put a filter on it, and that fixes it it’s time to go we’re hitting the road let’s get on it it’s already running a bit late it’s 11 now we took a lot longer but I got a haircut.
And I’m like 6 hours new glasses check guys we’re heading up to Pemberton let’s go it’s been like 15 minutes, and she’s already like in sleeping feudal potion hi you’re sleeping time. I have a cold. And I’m tired she doesn’t cold.
I do have a cold well that’s confusing they put the higher one on the left almost tricked me. I got these pants from a brand downtown they’re actually a local startup by the name of dish doer, and dishes they’re female line doer is their male line. And I got these awesome joggers they’re like a really stretchy denim material today’s day one of wearing them.
I gotta say. I’m already a believer feel like SLUSA wasn’t polished just like defining the way that. I first feel excited about it get myself we are out of the city, and look at the beauty within half an hour this here is the beginning of go to Whistler maybe peppers that.
I’ve never been before. So I’ve never made it possible. So exciting to check it out, and this is their second date scusa highway, and convertible you pick me up try to impress me just go watch the first day its target.
So you guys can see about that. So we’re gonna pull over, and get some footage. I think cuz it’s really nice out people come from all over the world.
So I pulled off the road to go down what looked like a lookout point turns out it’s like a gated community a very expensive one at that, and someone was opening the gate right as we were there something okay we might as well take this opportunity to come down here hopefully we can get out how would you feel about your house being here look at this these people are just like lined up right on the ridge of the mountain here overlooking this though someone’s obviously got their multi-million dollar yacht chilling there. But look at this view point hopefully crap. I’m pretty sure.
I see a seal right now. I definitely see a seal there’s no way my canons gonna pick it up. But it’s just over there there’s a seal poking its head out of the water alright let’s test out these new filters the sand marks sent me.
I’ve never tried a filter on my drone. Because there’s so much sunlight bouncing off the water.
I’m gonna try the polarizer it’s supposed to cut down the reflection off the water all right let’s get the wild turkey into the stratosphere let’s even get out of the gated community otherwise we’re trapped this year yeah we’re all kind of packaging guys we’ll be forced to live like millionaires Oh Aaron who needs this to show you though change shirts. I mean my McCarty shirt it’s got to be like 25 degrees it’s perfect leather one level up they obviously don’t have the same view. Because they’re blocked by the houses there.
So their way raised up, and they have these massive toll houses. I would live here. I just need money hallelujah the security gate open just by being in front of it.
So we didn’t need a beeper to get out all right now let’s dip it’s between us what where’s the chief. So that’s cheese right there it’s a really awesome high okay you can see it okay this is a bickering blog of Christian of luck you’re not you’re not doing it right okay guys that’s the chief right there it’s a really awesome hike if you ever like a forgot hike here it is the tour guide Christian here right ahead of us is the chief, and that’s the mountain Abby. And I climbed on our second date, and you can actually climb the rock face, and you see their people rock climb that during probably all year round, and it’s like super steep in like five ten minutes, and it’s already raining we went from being in the beautiful Sun to the rain, and that is how quickly the weather changes here in Vancouver all right there could.
I get a McDouble now. I see why it was taking people six hours to get to Pemberton yesterday really hoping it’s not gonna take us six hours. But that is a filthy long line up.
And I don’t know how long it goes on for help help we made it to Whistler, and we’re minutes away from the hotel here’s where we’re staying. We’ve just arrived to the Westin Whistler Abby. And I stayed here two three years ago we loved it.
So this here’s the room we got a little mini kitchen bed TV, and this is a view, and all. I can see right now is a lot of rain no. I think Pemberton is the biggest music festival in all of the province in all of British Columbia.
And I know last year it was like 40 degrees at some point tons of people were getting sunstroke this year is gonna be the opposite end. I think this year’s gonna be a bit colder alright guys burgers have arrived let’s just say it better be a good burger it shows up at the room. And I have to sign the receipt, and it’s like thirty dollars per burger.
I don’t know how that came to be. But anyways enjoy a very expensive burger shall we celebrate with a little shot with a shot you’re stalling let’s go you’re stalling it’ll make you feel better actually like that’s what people do when they’re sick they take my uncle takes a whiskey yeah no actually when its high enough concentration it kills bacteria. So go ahead kill all the bacteria Brad Bacardi tastes great damn Daniel back at it again with the white vans, and we’re ready to go let’s get lost Everton’s about what thirty minutes away 25 minutes wait.
So we’re gonna walk to the shuttle shuttle to Everton, and party at Pemberton yeah my fuzz l he owns this entire resort madam my father he owns Z Weston it started off as the LeBlanc. But then he did the name change look how beautiful it is outside guys it was like rainy, and then it was beautiful, and then. I was rain you know.
So this here is beautiful Whistler Village lots of overpriced shopping the gondolas to go up the mountain just over there in the summer as the winter Sicily yep meant Lakes Wow the peculiar shape on top of his head here is the big circles symbolizing geometry Canada won first place in the geometry competition of 2018 big moment for the country Abby just like freaked out like a 13 year old she’s like oh my gosh there’s cops cops. Because we have like a shot of Bacardi inside of our sprite cops top floor hit the deck it’s not like Bangkok you can’t just drink on the streets here in Canada. But you blatantly have a beer out you could get asked to dump it.
But they. I’ve never even seen a fine issue when you look like an adult a little bit Allah likes good at 8:41. Because we’re in the northern hemisphere like this summer lasts a long time the Sun doesn’t go down completely until about 10.
So we saw about an hour, and a half worth of sunlight, and it’s really nice out right now. But there’s clouds everywhere. So could rain at any moment.
So this is the Pemberton secondary stage. I think that’s the main stage you guys this literally looks like heaven it.
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