Map of Laos

Airline tickets increase in price each year. It gets more and more expensive to book a flight. You do not need to spend a fortune on these tickets. If you want to stick to your travel budget, the first place to start is by finding cheap flights. So, with that in mind, here are 7 secrets to booking cheap flights.

#1 Fly on Wednesday

Are you planning a weekend trip? If you want the cheapest tickets, you may want to adjust your travel dates. The cheapest flights are typically available on Wednesdays.

The reason that Wednesdays are the cheapest days to fly is because fewer people tend to travel on Wednesdays. Since fewer people travel, more seats are available. When there is less demand for a flight, and more supply, prices will drop.

#2 Book Your Flight on Tuesday

While you should plan your trip for a Wednesday, you should book your flight on a Tuesday. Studies have found that Tuesday is the day of the week that airlines are most likely to offer the best deals.

One of the reasons that prices are generally cheaper on Tuesdays is that most people are busy at the beginning of the week. On average, you will get the best deal on a Tuesday, but this is not always the case. You can sometimes get a better deal on other days by booking early in the morning.

#3 Book Your Flight Early in the Morning

If you cannot find a cheap flight when you check online travel websites on a Tuesday, then start checking these sites in the early morning. Most major airlines offer discounts in the middle of the night.

Throughout the morning and early afternoon, these discounted seats get booked. So, you could miss out on some great deals on cheap flights if you try to book later in the day.

#4 Fly Early in the Morning

Along with booking your flight early in the morning, you should consider flying early in the morning. Most people do not want to get up at the crack of dawn to reach the airport in time. You can benefit from this by finding cheaper flights.

You may have to get up in the middle of the night to arrive on time, but it could be worth the hassle if you can find cheaper flights.

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