Getting ready for a holiday trip this year? There are a few things to keep in mind if you’re traveling with a baby things that will make the trip just a little easier and keep your mind at ease. Read on for our best tips.
How to travel
This is a good place to start if you haven’t firmed up your holiday travel plans yet what will be the best way to get there? Whether you go by car, train, bus or plane will depend on weather and other factors, but you can also consider how each option might affect your trip.
Keep in mind that driving is the only option that won’t have you sharing public transportation, so if you can, it’s a great way to be more independent and follow your own time schedule.
When booking tickets for busses, trains or planes, just try to find ones at comfortable times if you’re onboard and all strapped in right before baby’s normal nap time that is always a plus. You may get a few uninterrupted hours of rest.
What to bring
If you can manage to travel light but also bring items for every eventuality you’ll be in a good place. Think layers of clothing to make sure baby is never too warm or too cold, a baby bib, burp cloths, plenty of diapers, a changing pad, bottles, etc, but also things like a clean shirt for you (just in case), and toys to entertain baby along the way. Often new things to unwrap can hold their attention for a little while at least.
How to carry baby
If you’re traveling with a partner it’s a little easier, but you’ll still want to think about how you’ll transport baby through every leg of the journey. Will you carry her through the airport in a baby carrier, or would a stroller be better? Maybe both?
Think of times when you’ll need your hands free, such as getting out your passport and flight itinerary, and how you’ll use the bathroom. Having a plan for all of these situations beforehand will help you feel more at-ease in the moment.
Coping along the way
There may be moments when you wish you could stand up and rock baby, or you want to walk up and down the aisle to soothe her, but you can’t because the fasten seatbelt sign is on. Some trips go really smoothly, while others are a little rougher. Try to think of how you’ll cope during these situations, how you can soothe baby while seated, how to nurse on the plane, etc. And if she cries, be ready to grin and bear it chances are others will understand.
Once you arrive
Lastly, have a plan for relaxation once you get where you are going. Even if it’s just a short trip, chances are you won’t want to have to go out to dinner immediately, or have to drive to a different city to check into your hotel. Make plans to make life easier once you arrive, by booking a hotel room at the airport and driving in the morning, putting off plans until the next day, or having a friend or relative available to give you an hour off. Considering all of this in advance will make for a smoother holiday trip with your baby.
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