I love Tel Aviv. Each time I have the chance I’m going to hang out in Tel AVIV, especially when sunny days emerging in mid-winter (actually the Israeli winter is no so much of winter in compere to the European winter). This time I decided to take a walk to Rothschild Boulevard the interesting thing was that originally the boulevard was a little streambed that the founders to Tel Aviv decided to fill with sand.
In this hour of the day the boulevard very calm beside some mothers with strollers, and few peoples sitting in the boulevard’s trendy Caf©’s .
Walking in the boulevard I enjoy looking at some of the Bauhaus’s buildings along the street like the house of Dizingof the first mayor of Tel Aviv, Semuelson’s house, Rubinsky’s house , but not all of them, some of them are bullied in Neo Romantic style like 1920’s restored building of The Norman Tel Aviv hotel which located on 23-25 Nachmani Street that crosses Rothschild and redefining the term boutique hotel in Tel Aviv ! it is very recommended to take a guided tour in order to hear all the stories behind the houses, but just wandering the street is fun also.
Travel to Tel Aviv Photo Gallery

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