Travel to CORON


Hey guys it is day three here in codon Abby. And I just had our breakfast here at Sophia’s garden resort, and now we’re heading to meet Heidi, and Jackson we’re going kayaking today we are back at the sea dive resort where you can rent kayaks, and when.

I got my bike asked me to take a photo. I got too close to the bike this is what happens okay. So I’m actually going to go grab a waterproof bandage to cover up that burn.

And I was just talking to the dive shop, and they’re telling us how there’s actually eight warships that are sunk just out there here in Quran, and the reason is. Because the Japanese that invaded the Philippines, and the Americans retaliated they had an air raid, and they sank eight of these warships. And So now they make four amazing dive sites you can actually dive into these sunken warships good morning Abby loves kayaking Negative Nancy oh alright we’re just about loaded up.

Travel to CORON Photo Gallery

I’ve got way too much valuable equipment right in front of me gotta risk it to get the biscuit. We’ve officially left the port we’re hiding the shade right now it’s gonna be a very hot day Wow gonna get cooked we are kayaking in the middle of a jellyfish minefield like these jellyfish are literally the size of a soccer ball there’s six up here according to hi he jested holy crap they look like little orbs that’s extra motivation not falling if my camera gear wasn’t enough. So we have now successfully crossed it inside.

And I changed her own Island it’s just around that bend we hope we have no idea. So they take a little spear, and they basically just try to puncture through a fish, and then you have a fish we started back there then we went there, and now we’re going over there slowest thing will be the next shipwreck to visit hour, and a half later maybe close to 2 we have crossed the third island thingy Flores Morales low. I’m done.

I hate just let’s go all the way back up you must carry on looks like Heidi’s are contemplating some real estate investments here in the Philippines wouldn’t be a bad first house, and dinner it’s right at your doorstep the water here is transparent, and it’s like a nice aqua blue how are you doing LR she’s just been a bucket of complaints you literally have been a bucket of complaints it’s like someone have the biggest bucket of complaints, and they spilled it all at once Rock’em. So jagged. I have a blog where we climb a cliff Cara clip.

And I cut my ankle open on this stuff it’s rough cattle or peddle. And So our two heroes moved onward into the lagoon where no man had ever been only is about of a horse client helps being. So good bit you don’t think it look at this water look at that boat.

I wish was coming towards us save us you think this will be copyrighted if. I sing it chipped it away way passed away wait there’s a snake in there having a snack break here in the lagoon this country never ceases to amaze me we’re gonna find somewhere to take off the drone there’s no beaches we’re gonna use this hot gotta get the drone up you’ll love me for it you guys have loved me it’ll be huge gonna be huge full speed ahead lower ramming speed. I like you’re about.

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