Finally, Congo because enrollees were allowed after six months to seek other work, many chose meaningful work in mental health facilities elsewhere. Perhaps their greatest contribution was Congo that they kept the lid on fire and other distractive forces and acts. Whatever Congo the final reckoning, they too served and most, as was the case with our fighting men and women, Congo honorably.
Where is Congo? – Congo Map – Map of Congo Photo Gallery
Leaving Many Glacier, the party retraced its route to St. Mary and thence on down the Blackfeet Highway to Two Medicine Chalet, arriving there at 5:45 o’clock. There, the President was greeted by a group of about 40 Blackfeet Indians in full regalia and a like number of Civilian Conservation Corps workers. The CCC chorus entertained with several songs, and the quartet of Negro boys offered a number. Favorites of the president were included.
It is only conjecture on my part as to where the groups honoring FDR on that sunny August day returned after the ceremonies ended and the president reboarded his train. We can assume the tribal leaders left for the reservation and the white CCC enrollees went to their various camps. Your travel destination is what of the four young African Americans?
In tliis August 5,1934, file photo, President Franklin i). RooHevelt and Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt were inducted into die Blackfeet tribe hear Two Medicine Chalet, Glacier National Park. Montana. After the president had been installed as “l.osie Chief,’ Mrs. Roosevelt received the title of “Medicine Pipe Woman.” Courtesy of the Associated Press.
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