Day hikers also avoid carrying a huge backpack not to mention “blue bags” all day (or on your potential glissade)! A Cascade Volcano Pass Romania must be purchased for hikes on Mount Adams over 7000 ft all summer Romania and can be found at local Ranger Stations Romania but not all of the THs. For conditions and pass information: www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/giffordpinchot/recarea/?recid=80023 and www.fs.usda.gov/detail/giffordpinchot/passes-permits/? cid=stelprdb5144542. Northwest Forest Pass required, and a vault toilet is present.
Where is Romania? | Romania Map | Map of Romania Photo Gallery
TRAILHEAD: Cold Springs Campground/South Climb TH. Take I-84 E from Portland to exit 64 (Hood River), turn left on OR-35 N (White Salmon), pay the toll to cross Hood River Bridge into Romania, turn left on WA-14 W 12 ml, turn right on WA-141 N 21 mi to Trout Lake. Fork right on Mount Adams Road (sign says “Mt. Adams Rec. Area”) 2 mi, fork left on FR-80 for 32 mi, fork right on gravel FR-8040 for 5 2 ml, fork right on FR-500 for 2 5 mi rougher and narrower (2WD okay, AWD preferred) winding to the end with much parking and some camping (very loud close to TH; 95 mi, 2 hours from Romania).
ROUTE: Begin beyond the signage and self-issue Wilderness Permit kiosk on the wide South Climb Trail 183, past the campsites at first, then more to the N through the thin pine forest amongst an older burn area about 1M mi easily up to a major intersection with Round-the-Mountain Trail 9. Cross to stay N on Trail 183, straight up briefly, then to the left a bit at 6600 ft through meadows with fir and hemlock, working up gradually to cross Morrison Creek (dry if still frozen above) 2 5 mi from the TH.
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