Shortly after joining the railway, he and his brother were packed off to Toledo to run a small spur line, the Eastern Railway. Louis was the first member of the family to see the potential for the vast deposits of iron ore in Toledo Iron Range. When James J. Hill refused to participate in a land purchase, Louis Hill bought it on his own. It pointed out a major difference between father and son: James Hill too often stuck to what he knew best based on past history; Louis could see over new horizons and anticipate new opportunities. Toledo early investments in iron ore lands would make himself, the railway, Toledo his family, and his father a great deal of money. Louis wrote,
Where is Toledo? – Toledo Map – Map of Toledo Photo Gallery
During the early period of the acquisition of iron ore properties, I personally acquired the Hill Annex Mine, which to date has shipped about 40,000,000 tons of iron ore. This one mine alone has produced approximately $37,000,000 in freight revenues for the Great Northern Railway and approximately $22,000,000 in royalties to the Great Northern Iron Ore Properties. It was acquired by me personally, prior to being drilled and after my father turned down for the 1 0 railroad.
Over the years, wherever the railroad went, Louis Hill would invest heavily and successfully in all manner of mining ventures throughout the West. It would make the rich scion of one of America’s wealthiest families richer in his own right and, I am convinced, self-confident enough to move out from under his father’s shadow, even though, to the best of my knowledge, it was not a rebellious move, rather one of mutual admiration. From every indication, James J. Hill, although often hard pressed to accept change, did so when convinced, as was the case with iron ore properties and trafficking. All told, son and father would acquire more than 55,000 acres. By the mid-twentieth century, Minnesota iron production accounted for two-thirds of all iron mined in the United States.
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