Institute of Spanish Studies, El Bachiller 13, 46010 Valencia (®96 36 96 168; Located in Valencia. Offers a range of courses in history, Spanish language, and literature. Students live with host families.
Don Quijote, PI. San Marcos 7, 37002 Salamanca (®923 26 88 60; www.don- Offers Spanish language courses for all levels in Barcelona, Granada, Madrid, Malaga, Salamanca, Seville, and Valencia. jobs to finance the next leg of their travels. International English-language news papers, such as the International Herald Tribune (, often list long- and short-term job opportunities in their classifieds sections.
Acquiring the appropriate work permits will be much easier for EU citizens than for others. Non-EU citizens planning to work in Europe must carefully research country-specific requirements and limitations before their departure.
Trabajos, ( Provides job listings for all regions of Spain.
CIAL Centro de Linguas, Av. de Republica, 41-8° Esq., 1050-187 Lisbon (®217 940 448; Portuguese language courses for all levels in Lisbon and Faro.
French-American Chamber of Commerce (FACC), International Career Development Programs, 1350 Ave. of the Americas, 6th fl., New York, NY 10019, USA (s212-765- 4460). Offers Work In France programs, internships, teaching, and public works.
Agence Nationale Pour I’Emploi (ANPE), 4 impasse d’Antin, 75008 Paris (®01 43 59
62 63; National employment agency has offices throughout France. Com prehensive website with specific info on employment opportunities.
Centre d’lnformation et de Documentation Jeunesse (CIDJ), 101 quai Branly, 75740 Paris (®01 44 49 12 00; An invaluable state-run youth center provides info on education, employment, and careers. English spoken. Jobs are posted on the bulletin boards outside. Open M, W, F 10am-6pm; Tu and Th 10am-7pm; Sa 9:30am-lpm.
Map of Barcelona Photo Gallery

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