Hey guys it is day two here in Pemberton yeah Larry’s ready to go up you got that fitness center had a quick 15-minute workout. And I’m actually pretty stoked. I’ve been able to go to the gym about nine days out of ten.
So I’m trying to get back in shape after Charley the Philippines our diet was like really messed up if you weren’t working out. So I actually lost lots of weight right now. I’m weighing about the same as.
I weighed in grade 12 which was like six years ago try to get back in shape. I want to put on like 10 pounds of muscle let’s get ready go get some lunch, and then hit to Pemberton music at school straighten that triangle Abby’s patterning it pattern continued Pat Morris patented it patent that’s a mouthful anyways you know it do you guys want to watch how to do this it’ll be linked below, and Abby’s zombie look-alike doomsday tutorial money for drinks backup battery, and deep filter GoPro lens big camera, and blogging cameras you’re not actually allowed to bring cameras into the event. But because.
I’m under a media pass. I’m able to bring this in. So don’t try this at home kids so.
We’ve mastered the arts of optical illusions Starbucks right wrong Bacardi Abby would you like some water from Starbucks we’re finally leaving the room cameras backpack everything’s ready to go day two has just started let’s get it it is such a nice day. So you can see here people take their bikes up the hill, and they actually have the gondolas set up. So that they take the bikes up with them cheers babe live in that good life.
I was really weak Jeremy try that one more time okay third one’s the charm there we go okay. So we had to put up the umbrellas here. Because it start to rain pretty hard.
I don’t know where the rains of Africa not ideal for a music festival butter, and boom it’s sunny again you see she’s not predictable one hailer we’re like packing up ready to go Lorelai could whispers to me she’s like good caller cops could hurt us get down Abby cops we just ate at blacks pub, and we highly recommend it. I had an amazing burger Abby had a grilled cheese sandwich with like cream cheese, and like salt side yeah. So every now, and then
I have the pleasure of meeting people behind my muse bc I oh I see his numbers, and a few comments here there. But it’s very rare that. I get to put a face to the people who are reading my posts.
And I just met a guy by the name of Xavier from in Sunshine Coast he’s awesome. So we might meet up with him later tonight. But really cool guy, and that was like one of the most genuine like literally reactions it was awesome yeah it’s so much fun. So I love to meet him later tonight, and we in it we made it day to Pemberton a little overcast. But it like keeps going in, and out of suffering.
I think it’ll probably be like that full weekend you guys right now it’s magical Sun shower, and this is Abby’s magical little sister Lisa read Lisa a read colorful aliens we say michaela where are we going right now McCarty has area where there’s alcohol put off the hangout right now it’s like a Sun shower yeah Abby’s hiding in a tree house staying dry from the rain weird weather after weird weather one thing’s for sure, and like it’s one thing to be sorted meteor stuff. But he literally came up the entire concept what’s happening in the states right now status update it’s raining. I’m really hard this is Shaun enhancing.
I’m gonna.
What is under the car we have a visitor hello all right the boys are packing out we’re going to Bulgaria we did give him a name Chris no nothing all right. We’ve arrived at the Bulgarian border it was like five minutes away from bombing Vichy yeah we have made it into the Promised Land little Gary ah we’re in a Slovak country now look at that let’s Bulgaria splat guys right over there is an amazing sunflower field welcome to god yeah we’re driving by.
And I just like someone else hit it before us we just row it over a snake like a big don’t go in the bushes in Bulgaria otherwise you’ll come face-to-face with them there’s. So many sunflower fields here. I don’t know whether they you can do with it sunflower seeds it’s been a beautiful Drive we’re now going through rolling hills it’s almost like Monaco we made it guys about an hour, and a half later it’s pretty close.
We’ve arrived in Varna Bulgaria, and it’s a beach town it looks like it’s actually a bit of a big city to ride in was exceptionally beautiful. I wish it could have logged it more but. I’m the driver.
And I’m the only one that can drive stick shift most cars in Europe are standard. And So that made me the driver by default. I was open for a big cup of joe instead.
I get the European classic little symbol guys what we need my Bulgaria bar now that. I’ve noticed firstly Clark you’re reading Lucas no one can compete with Lauren. But there are.
So many exceptionally good-looking women that walk past in under an hour first step to getting into a country getting my phone set up. So the phone plan is about four dollars us, and it gives me 1 gigabyte over the next ten days. So it’s like it’s a little bit expensive here but.
I mean it’s really convenient, and for me. I always need to have a phone plan going long travel one u.s.
Dollar is equivalent to 1.7 of their dollars. So beautiful here can’t party they’re really like holy New York on one tutorial.
We’ve made it this town is. So beautiful probably the most beautiful town. We’ve seen in all of our travels.
So far it’s called Varma Verma all right called Varna the trip can only go up from here nearly drop my blog camera there would not have been good. We’ve arrived, and our hostels just down here there’s tons of awesome little shops are in here there’s a little market right behind me they’re selling like all sorts of berries, and vegetables, and fruits, and etc, and there’s our hostel right there the Yoho hostel hello yo ho yo ho the hostel life for me it’s kind of cool it’s very nautical oh yeah better on little room stop. I don’t know what.
I expected from Varna. But it wasn’t this this is extremely beautiful already putting this place on my recommended list it is. So cool maybe we’ll spend an extra day here.
I don’t know now. I can’t know we’re not going to we just know. I thought this is like perfect right now the beach the atmosphere, and the weather just everything has made this trip worth that we have made it down to Bulgaria, and we’ll be here for the next four days this is perfection on a girl this hard this is why.
I travel for days like these all right. So the boys are up to something later tonight we’re going right there there’s a concert going on it’s a long weekend here as well in Bulgaria. And So there’s gonna be some bull Gowdy, and pop stuff, and the boys are going to be front, and center court.
So they’re selling corn in a bowl. I’m gonna get some this is Bulgaria this is beautiful this is it boys hello this is what it’s all about days like today what an amazing day it’s been, and Bulgaria is off to an amazing start this place is stunning. I never would have expected this the menu is not in English all we have is like photos then good is for photos.
But still like. I have no idea what any of this is it does look good though all right we have no idea what we order. But this looks really good it’s on the cool hot grill looks like some pork some porn that’s like cheese, and chicken maybe.
I don’t know these potatoes bacon the essentials. I don’t know if this is a good indicator of Bulgarian food. But what.
We’ve eaten. So far has been. So good it’s been a lot of melted cheese which makes everything amazing a lot of corn there’s some carrot here some meat.
I can’t complain. And I just lost the bet. So now.
I have to eat this okay it’s really hot oh amazing food Alba it is an absolute banger tonight guys the concert is down there it’s eerily quiet for how many people that are here, and there’s the pirate ship hello it’s a nice event that they’ve thrown on for the locals. But it’s not exactly our niche it’s mainly geared towards families everyone’s coming with their kids. So we’re gonna head out if that’s not relationshipgoals.
I don’t know what is fireworks are just popping off but I can’t see it which is night. We’ve got a few drinks, and we’re heading back down to the beach he’s coming with us he’s really young.
But like Thailand holy it is bumping tonight great night if you made it this far in the post please leave it a big thumbs up, and let’s get lost again tomorrow fun of the day yay no this is just my uneducated guess but I think the DS. And I’m standing on it right now.
I think they like those barriers that they set up in case of like a beach invasion, and there’s a.
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